Welcome, this repository contains guides and examples to get started building on EVE Frontier. For more information, you can visit https://docs.evefrontier.com/.
To start building, follow the steps below to setup your local development tools and environment. If you already have the tools, make sure they are the correct version as otherwise you may have difficulties running the examples and building.
Before you get started you need to either install, or make sure you have the required tools. Install these tools for Linux, if you use a different OS then visit https://docs.evefrontier.com/Tools and follow the guide for your operating system.
Install Git through https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git.
To confirm Git has been installed run:
git --version
Install NVM by using this command:
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash
Restart the shell to use it.
Install version 18 of NPM (Node.JS Version Manager) using NVM with:
nvm install 18
Install PNPM version 8, which is used as a more efficient version of NPM with:
npm install -g pnpm
Install foundry and restart the shell with:
curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash && source /root/.bashrc
Run the below command to install forge, cast, anvil and chisel:
This guide will walk you through setting up a local environment for running a local Anvil node, deploying world contracts using Docker, and pulling ABIs.
Make sure you have the Docker installed on your system: Installation Guide
We have provided a docker compose file which bundles the running of the local node and deploying the world chain contracts to simulate the existing world. Run that with the command:
docker compose up -d
Monitor the progress of the world deployment with:
docker compose logs -f world-deployer
The deployment progress and relevant addresses will be displayed during the process. Once deployment is complete, you should see an output similar to the one below. Make sure to copy the world contract address and save it for future reference.
You can also retrieve the world abis and save them to the root directory from the deployment by running:
docker compose cp world-deployer:/monorepo/abis .
Now that your local tools and development environment is set up, you're ready to start building! To begin, simply navigate to the desired example directory (or use the links below) then follow the instructions outlined in its README file. For more information on Smart Assemblies you can visit this page on the documentation.
cd smart-storage-unit
cat readme.md
Run the local indexer, explore, interact and observe the state changes using world explorer
From any of the example root folder run the below command to run a local world explorer to see all the state changes
pnpm explorer <worldAddress>
eg: pnpm explorer 0x8a791620dd6260079bf849dc5567adc3f2fdc318
It looks like this
You can interact in the inteact tab and explore the values in the explore tab and also query using SQL commands
Smart Storage Unit: View
Create a Vending Machine Smart Storage Unit (SSU) in the game which trade items between the owner and players.
Smart Turret: View
Configure and deploy a Smart Turret smart contract, ready to be further developed.
Smart Gate: View
Configure and deploy a Smart Gate smart contract which only allows members from a specific corporation to use the Smart Gate.