This is a utility that helps you to power on your raspberry pi3 with wireless network connectivity.
- a raspberry pi with raspbian
- nodejs (assuming the path of nodejs would be added to the
The daemon script tries to use wpa_supplicant to start up your wireless with the
configuration in config/wpa_supplicant.conf
. If the process fails, the hostapd
and dhcpd are executed and serve a web page in It contains
a simple page for you to config your SSID and password. The hostapd here uses a fix
format SSID name, something like humix005056c00008
. The number after the 'humix'
is the HWAddr of your wireless NIC. (If you don't know the HWAddr of your wirless NIC,
you can plugin it to your desktop/laptop and query it via ifconfig
utilities.) You can use your
laptop/desktop/phone to connect to this hotspot and open up the
page to set up the SSID/password that you are going to connect. After you click the
'Submit' button. It will use the settings to bring up the wpa_supplicant.
If the SSID/password works, your raspberry pi will be online now. If the wpa_supplicat
fails, it will fail back to hostapd again. Then you can re-assign the SSID/password.
All of the scripts under scripts
folder need to be executed with root permission, means
you need to execute the scripts with sudo
. You can use these scripts to turn on/off the
hotspot mode or connect to a access point manually.
- this is used to stop/stop the wpa_supplicat. The configruation it uses is
. Normally, this file doesn't exit when you install this tool. The config file will be created after you assign the SSID/password in hotspot mode via the page in - this is used to start/stop the hotspot mode. It uses the
for dhcpd andconfig/hostapd.conf
for hostapd. The fixed IPAddr for the dhcpd is192.168.127.1
- git clone this project
git clone
- get into the project directory
cd wireless-pi
- kick off the installation
npm install
Make sure that the /etc/network/interfaces
should look like this:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
iface eth0 inet manual
allow-hotplug wlan0
allow-hotplug wlan1