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📦 Generator Webpack Preact

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This scaffold creates in seconds for you a professional environment. Code a application in HTML(5), (S)CSS, TS(X) and JS(X). All what you need for Apps.

A total solution for your projects. You have with this scaffold the followed.

  • 5 Prompts for create the project.
  • Automatically install dependencies after scaffolding ready.
  • Development Server with Hot Module Replacement (HMR) ready.
    • Welcome window with introduction for next steps after install.
  • Configs was splited to development and production.
    • Split to:
      • webpack.config.js (common)
      • (merged with webpack.config.js)
      • (merged with webpack.config.js)
      • tsconfig.js (merged with &
  • Plugins inside and ready to add more.
  • You can create more components, example components inside and chooseable.

More information over the Project Structur


  1. Install Node.js to use the NPM (Node Package Manager), if not installed.
  • Check your NPM version npm -v
  • Additional you can install NVM (Node Version Manager) to change version.
  1. We use yo (Yeoman Generator) to install the scaffold and start with it.
  • Also install yeoman global npm install -g yo


To use only in your project.

Switch to your projects folder, to install it in the project.

username$ cd /Users/username/projects/

And install.

projects$ npm i generator-webpack-preact

Now call yeoman.

projects$ yo

If promt a call

? 'Allo prod3v3loper,! What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
  Run a generator
> webpack-preact

or say yeoman directly the generator you want to use.

projects$ yo webpack-preact

Enter and create your project. You are ready to developing.


To use it from everywhere install the generator global.

projects$ npm i -g generator-webpack-preact

No local install need anymore, you cann now call everytime everywhere yo webpack-preact.

projects$ yo

If promt a call

? 'Allo prod3v3loper,! What would you like to do? (Use arrow keys)
  Run a generator
> webpack-preact

or directly

projects$ yo webpack-preact

Enter and create your project. You are ready to developing.

Promt for the solution

And we become a promt, after choose our generator webpack preact ;)

? Customer name? (customer)
? Project year? (2019)
? Project name? (newsletter)
? Components you want to use? (type comma seperated) (counter)
? Want you install all dependencies? Y/n

After answerring all questions, start the create process.

   create src/index.tsx
   create src/scss/style.scss
   create public/index.html
   create package.json
   create global.config.json
   create tsconfig.json
   create webpack.config.js
   create src/components/counter/actions.js
   create src/components/counter/counter.js
   create src/components/counter/store.js

What this do

The following structure is created after the prompt input. With the typed data.

├── customer/ (prompt: project name)
|   └── year/ (prompt: 2019)
|       └── project/ (prompt: newsletter)
|           └── public/
|           |   └── index.html
|           └── src/
|           |   └── scss/
|           |   |   └── style.scss
|           |   └── index.tsx
|           └── components/ (prompt: type comma seperated)
|               └── counter/
|                   └── actions.js
|                   └── counter.js
|                   └── store.js

But the idea behind it is to collect and manage all our projects in our projects folder. So every time we call the generator in our projects folder and create a new project with customer name, it will be added to the others.

├── customer/ (prompt: project name)
|   └── year/ (prompt: 2019)
|       └── project/ (prompt: newsletter)
|           └── public/
|           |   └── index.html
|           └── src/
|           |   └── scss/
|           |   |   └── style.scss
|           |   └── index.tsx
|           └── components/ (prompt: type comma seperated)
|               └── counter/
|                   └── actions.js
|                   └── counter.js
|                   └── store.js
├── another-customer/
|   └── 2018/
|   |   └── project1/
|   |   |   └── ...
|   |   └── project2/
|   |       └── ...
|   └── 2019/
|       └── project1/
|       |   └── ...
|       └── project2/
|           └── public/
|           |   └── index.html
|           └── src/
|           |   └── scss/
|           |   |   └── style.scss
|           |   └── index.tsx
|           └── components/ (prompt: type comma seperated)
|               └── counter/
|                   └── actions.js
|                   └── counter.js
|                   └── store.js


Now run and see the Magic :)

Switch to the new project folder we have created. (You typed in the prompt default newsletter)

projects$ cd /Users/username/projects/customer/year/newsletter

If you not installed dependencies in the prompts, then install first.

newsletter$ npm install

This command start the Server with the hotmodule.

newsletter$ npm run dev

This command build the dist folder with the end product.

newsletter$ npm run prod

To close (stop the localhost server) the NPM run type in console (Terminal): Ctrl + C


Create your own components, or request a feature issue. Here two samples.

Images or Videos

Import your sass or css files in easy way. Import all your images and videos.

.maa-slider {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

  &__inner {
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background-color: lightgrey;

  &__list {
    list-style: none;
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

This example will show how to get pictures or videos from a folder with this setup.

import "./scss/slider.scss";
import { h, render, Component } from "preact";

export default class Slider extends Component {
  images = [];
  videos = [];

  constructor() {

    // Load all images from foler
    this.images = this.importDefault(
      require.context("./img", false, /\.(png|jpe?g|svg)$/)
    // Load all videos from folder
    this.videos = this.importDefault(
      require.context("./video", false, /\.(mp4)$/)


  importDefault(r) {
    return r.keys().map(r);

  render(props) {
    this.items =, key) => (
      <li class="maa-slider__item">
        <img src={item} alt=""></img>

    return (
      <div class="maa-slider">
        <div class="maa-slider__inner">
          <ul class="maa-slider__list">{this.items}</ul>




projects$ npm uninstall generator-webpack-preact


projects$ npm uninstall -g generator-webpack-preact


Please use the issue tab to request a:

  • Bug
  • Feature

Choose template and report a bug or feature you want issues.


Please read the contributing to contribute.


Please use the Security section for privately reporting a vulnerability.


You find generator-webpack-preact in Yeoman generator, NPM and on Github.

NPM - generator-webpack-preact

GitHub - generator-webpack-preact

Github Theme - generator-webpack-preact



