This action allows you to get a report of the net negative lines of code per release. At Procurify, we use this to keep track of our Angular to React migration and Java to Kotlin migration.
- created
name: Report Net Negative Lines of Code
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Report Net Negative Lines of Code
uses: procurify/net-negative-loc-action@v1
token: ${{ github.token }}
slack_webhook: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK }}
directory: './packages/angular'
- uses: procurify/net-negative-loc-action@v1
token: ${{ github.token }}
slack_webhook: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK }} # The slack webhook where this action will post to
directory: './packages/angular' # The directory to run the report in
checkpoint_tag: 2021-Q1 # A git tag that the report will always check the diff of line of codes against
checkpoint_title: 2021 1st Quarter # The title of the checkpoint, to be shown in the report
exclude_dir: node_modules,dist,build # List of dir to exclude, comma-separated
exclude_ext: json,md # List of extensions to exclude, comma-separated
include_ext: tsx,jsx # List of extensions to include, comma-separated
slack_release_diff_breakdown: true # Show the breakdown of the diff by extension in the report between the latest release and the last release
slack_checkpoint_diff_breakdown: true # Show the breakdown of the diff by extension in the report between the latest release and the checkpoint