This repository contains a comprehensive roadmap I followed to master front-end web development. It includes resources, code examples, and projects that helped me build a solid foundation in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and advanced frameworks like React. This guide is designed to be a helpful reference for anyone looking to start or advance their front-end development skills.
This repository documents the roadmap I followed, covering everything from the basics to advanced topics, along with code examples and projects.
- Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- React.js
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform)
- Figma (for UI/UX Design)
- Git & GitHub
- HTML: Structure of web pages
- CSS: Styling and layout techniques
- JavaScript: DOM manipulation, events, ES6 basics
- Git: Basic commands, branching, and collaboration on GitHub
- SASS/LESS: Variables, nesting, mixins
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework
- React.js: Components, state management, hooks
- Optional: Vue.js, Angular
- Figma: Prototyping, wireframing, and design principles
- Design principles: Color theory, typography, layout
- ES6+: Async/await, modules, and advanced topics
- State management with Redux or Context API
- Optional: TypeScript basics
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