This file is used to list changes made in each version of php.
- Merged PRs #12, #13, #15, #17
- Added php5enmod support for Ubuntu >= 12.04
- Moved to Upstart service provider for FPM for Ubuntu >= 14.04 (closes #19)
- Added ZendOptimizer+ opcache support
- Dropped source support
- Dropped older distro support
- Major code refactoring
- Added Vagrantfile
- Added DotDeb repository support and PHP versioning
Synced with upstream. More specifically:
- [COOK-1067] - support for PECL zend extensions
- [COOK-1348] - rescue Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed (chef 0.10.10)
- [COOK-1465] - fix pear extension template
- Added numerous modules to be installed via recipes
- Removed Fedora compatibility (don't have the time to test on Fedora)
- Added the FPM recipe
- Created the FPM LWRP for dynamic FPM pool creation
- Added the Apache2 recipe for mod_php installation and configuration
- Added TMPFS support for uploads and sessions
- [COOK-993] Add mhash-devel to centos php source libs
- [COOK-989] - bump version of php to 5.3.10
- Also download the .tar.gz instead of .tar.bz2 as bzip2 may not be in the base OS (e.g., CentOS 6 minimal)
- Initial release of php