- 45a192f: Add a credit notation for Gopher image in README (#375) (@ryokotmng)
- 4826c03: Bump github.com/ClickHouse/clickhouse-go/v2 from 2.1.0 to 2.2.0 (#377) (@dependabot[bot])
- 8abd890: Exit with error 1 without required arguments (#399) (@el4v)
- 7792d04: Update GH workflow to include go version 1.19.0-rc.1 (#381) (@mfridman)
- 2278d75: Upgrade direct and indirect deps (#391) (@mfridman)
- 0a72970: logger: add nop logger (#384) (@mfridman)
- 496d7cd: parser: preserve empty lines in SQL statements (#372) (@iktakahiro)
- bc72e78: postgres: switch from lib/pq to jackc/pgx (#382) (@craigpastro)