PAENN is a structural analysis tool, capable of determining and displaying the internal forces and displacements of any input structure.
In its current version, PAENN supports:
- Static analysis of plane frame structures, being able to determine the internal forces and displacements on every point and displaying them via internal force and deformation diagrams;
- Allows for placement of concentrated forces/moments, distributed (constant and linear) loads, thermal gradients, support displacements, and nodal liberations (hinges);
- Being built on WPF (C#), the program boasts a friendly, interactive user interface: users can create structures with a few clicks, and readily have the results shown.
Coming soon, once I iron out some kinks.
PAENN was written in .NET C#, and uses Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation framework for its user interface, Rene Schulte's WriteableBitmapEx for drawing and manipulating interactive elements, and Math.NET Numerics for its core calculations.