Website for TollRoll Project Repo: Click Here!
TollRoll is a dedicated management system to solve all the hurdles and problems related to toll plaza for smoother functioning of the overall process and getting acquainted to latest upgradations. With this, user's journey would be more feasible and friendly without any hiccups in drives or outings.
- it checks for user's complete history through visioning vehicle details and addresses with pending challans.
- it provides an option to purchase fasttags and do transactions to activate under your profile
- a user can update the profile and link fasttags for easier journeys
- If any violations or not updated, it will stop you from moving further until necessary action is taken immediately.
- many more features yet to be added.
Peep in folks to get hands on with working on a real-time solution to make your toll experience seamless and organized with effective toll plaza management system.
Skills : Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Django, MySQL, IoT
Programming Languages : Python, HTML, CSS, JS
When raising an issue, do make sure to mention the kind of feature, feature title, short description of the feature and how would you expect it to work. As a good practice, always link the issue number with pull request. (#issue number : Give this details when you raise a PR).
If you want to work on this unique project and share it with the world, you can do that here. Go through the contributing guidelines here.
Subsequently, also go through the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request.
Note : One should follow these templates while creating a new issue or pull request.
Fork the repository
Clone your forked repository using terminal or gitbash.
Make changes to the cloned repository
Add, Commit and Push
Then in GitHub, in your cloned repository, find the option to make a pull request.
print("Start contributing for TollRoll")
![]() Script Winter Of Code 2021 |
Thanks go to these Wonderful People. Contributions of any kind are welcome!🚀
You can find our Code of Conduct here.
This project follows the General Public License 3.0.
![]() Prathima Kadari |
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🎉 🎊 😃 Happy Contributing 😃 🎊 🎉
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© 2022 Prathima Kadari