Collection of all notebooks and files used in implementing ML and DL algorithms on a variety of datasets.
Exploratory Data Analysis on Metropolitan Musuem Dataset : Cleaning the dataset, and performing EDA using Seaborn Library.
Linear Regression : Understanding Linear Regression using Iris Dataset
Implementing a NN from Scratch and Particle Swarm Optimization : As part of assignment in course BITS F312: Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic
Training a VGG-16 Network on CIFAR - 100 Training a Deep Neural Network (VGG 16) for Image Classification on CIFAR - 100 Dataset.
Trying Style Transfer using Pretrained Model Using pretrained VGG-19 to Modify an image according to another style image.
Using U-Nets for Segmentation of Brain Tumour in MRI Scans : Using BRATS 2015 Dataset
Understanding Variational Autoencoders: Creating a distribution of MNIST Dataset through the use of VAE.
Understanding Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks: Using CelebA Dataset to generate faces using DCGANs.