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Sync cucumber automation test results with Qmetry Test Cycle

Getting Started

npm install --save-dev qmetry-cucumber

How to use

Case #1 Open API

Create qmetry.config.json file in the test project's root folder and add the below configurations.

    "baseUrl": "https://<your base url>",
    "apiKey": "<project api key>",
    "authorization": "<jira auth creds encoded by base64>",
    "projectId": <your project id>,
    "testCycleId": <your test cycle id>,
    "summary": "<test summary>",
    "description": "<test description>"

Here, testCycleId, summary and description fields are optional.

Scenario: [PRO-TC-1] [PRO-TC-2] User logs in with valid credentials
        When User login with the username "<USERNAME>" and password "<PASSWORD>"
        Then User should be logged in successfully

        |   USERNAME   |   PASSWORD       |
        |   admin      |   amin           |
import { updateQmetryStatus } from "qmetry-cucumber";

After(async function ({ pickle, result }){
    updateQmetryStatus(, result.status);

Case #2 Automation API

Submit the Cucumber test output in JSON format to QMetry using the Automation API. To achieve this, create a qmetry.config.json file in the root directory of your test project and add the following configurations.

    "baseUrl": "https://<your base url>",
    "authorization": "<jira auth creds encoded by base64>",
    "automationApiKey": "<automation api key>",
    "automation": {
        "format": "cucumber"

Here, baseUrl, authorization, projectId, automationApiKey, and automation > format are the only mandatory fields. For more optional fields, check below:

    "baseUrl": "https://<your base url>",
    "authorization": "<jira auth creds encoded by base64>",
    "projectId": 0,
    "automationApiKey": "<automation api key>",
    "automation": {
        "format": "cucumber",
        "attachFile": true,
                "labels": ["<your label>"],
                "summary": "<test cycle summary>",
                "description": "<test cycle description>",
                "customFields": [
                        "name": "<field name; say., Environment>",
                        "value": "<field value; say., DEV>"
                "labels": ["<your label>"],
                "description": "<test case description>",
                "customFields": [
                        "name": "<field name; say., Environment>",
                        "value": "<field value; say., DEV>"

Invoke the sendTestResultToQmetry function immediately after executing the cucumber tests.

import { sendTestResultToQmetry } from "qmetry-cucumber";

execSync(`npx cucumber-js --config=config/cucumber.js --tags "@smoke"`, { stdio: 'inherit' });
sendTestResultToQmetry(process.cwd() + '/test-result/reports/cucumber-report.json');


npm test