This module provides a grunt multi-task generating images from yuml diagram sources using wuml.
If you generate HTML technical documention from textual sources, you may want to maintain only sources of UML diagrams in your repository and generate the pictures only during the documentation build. You will be able to do changes easily, without committing both diagram sources and pictures and sychronizing them manually.
If you want to just quickly convert a yuml source file to a picture, you can use the wuml command-line tool, which this task is based on.
You need node >= 0.12, npm and grunt >= 0.4 installed and your project build managed by a Gruntfile with the necessary modules listed in package.json. If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the [Getting Started] guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may ensure native dependencies of this plugin and install it:
Install pre-requisites of wuml depending on your operating system
Install the Grunt task:
$ npm install grunt-wuml --save-dev
Add the wuml
entry with the wuml task configuration to the
options of the grunt.initConfig
wuml: {
one: {
files: {
'dist/doc/images/diagram.png': ['doc/images/diagram.yuml']
all: {
src: ['doc/images/*.classses.yuml']
dest: 'dist/doc/images'
The configuration consists of key-value pairs with the output image path as a key pointing to the yuml input file. If you specify more source files by wildcards, the destination should be a directory; the source file extension wil lbe replaced by the output format in the output file name.
Then, load the plugin:
Call the wuml
$ grunt wuml
or integrate it to your build sequence in Gruntfile.js
grunt.registerTask('default', ['wuml', ...]);
Default behaviour of the task can be tweaked by the task options; these are the defaults:
wuml: {
one: {
files: {
'dist/doc/images/diagram.png': ['doc/images/diagram.yuml']
options: {
waggly: false,
type: 'class', // class|sequence|usecase
orientation: 'TD', // LR|TD
splines: 'ortho', // ortho|spline
format: 'png', // jpg|png|svg
fontFamily: 'Purisa',
fontSize: 10
See the documentation of the command-line wuml tool for more information.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
- 2018-04-27 v1.0.0 Dropped support of Node.js 4
- 2017-02-23 v0.2.1 Update dependencies
- 2016-26-08 v0.2.0 Upgrade to Grunt 1.x Detect output format from file extension
- 2016-03-05 v0.1.1 Update dependencies, improve build testing
- 2016-01-09 v0.1.0 Initial release
Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Ferdinand Prantl
Licensed under the MIT license.