A quiz app on your favorite topics
$ git clone https://github.com/pranshudobhal/quiz-master.git
$ cd quiz-master
$ npm install
- TypeScript + React
- React Context API + useReducer
- React Router v6
- Chakra UI
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- ExpressJS
- Authentication using JWT and password hashing using Bcrypt and salt
- Jest
- Homepage with multiple quizzes
- Individual quiz page
- Rules displayed before starting quiz
- Display of correct or wrong answer after user selects an option
- Automatic navigation to next question after option selection by user
- Result page with total score, marked answer and correct answer
- User Profile
- Unit tests for reducer
- Authentication:
- User Signup
- User Login
- Website - Pranshu Dobhal
- Twitter - @pranshu_dobhal
- LinkedIn - pranshudobhal