Final project for the MBS course "Intro to Data Analytics and Discovery Informatics" at Rutgers University.
This project estimates the demand of Divvy bikes in Chicago, taking weather conditions and whether the particular day is a holiday or not. The prediction is done based on regression models in the scikit-learn library; the models used were:
- Linear Regression
- Lasso and Ridge Regression
- Decision Tree Regression
- Random Forest Regression
The preprocessing notebook, preprocessing.ipynb, cleans the data and provides a cleaned dataset as well as the original merged data. analysis.ipynb plots the graphs needed to analyze the data, for the exploratory data analysis, and regression_techniques.ipynb runs the regression models and fits the models with the data.
- To run the project, download data from the official Divvy website:
- Clone the repo and separate the datasets into separate folders.
- Run the preprocessing notebook to get the cleaned dataset.
- Run regression_techniques.ipynb to get the models.