PineTube is a Video Library which has videos of different categories such as comedy, motivational, TedTalks.
- react-router-dom
- useContext + useReducer
- useParams
- useEffect
- User can see all the videos here. This is a public route.
- User can login to website from here if he/she is already a user.
- If user is new then they can signup from here by entering all the mentioned details.
- Private Route. To access the videos in the playlist created by user, they have to login first.
- User can see all the videos available in the specific playlist.
- User can save video here which they wishes to watch later. Private Route.
- All the videos liked by user are present here. Private Route.
- All the videos which is visited by user can be seen here. Private Route.
- Specific video which user wants to see is shown here.
- Add more categories of videos
- Night Mode