- Color of taxa now match other panels
- Add a treemap of ASVs number
- Add topography
- Add equator, tropics and polar circle
- Add number of samples for each bar
Diversity Alpha
Diversity Alpha
- Use Violin + Sina plot for discrete variable
- Allow discretization of continuous variables (e.g. depth, latitude)
Released: 2021-11-22
Tabs of application
- Make interactive (R plotly library)
- Add coloring by ecological function
- Add time series
Released: 2021-11-19
version 1.0 - 41 datasets
- Tara Ocean V9 samples have been not been reprocessed and the original swarms are used instead.
diff --git a/inst/data-qs/asv_set.qs b/inst/data-qs/asv_set.qs
index 4a5a4cc..54f2124 100644
Binary files a/inst/data-qs/asv_set.qs and b/inst/data-qs/asv_set.qs differ
diff --git a/inst/data-qs/credentials.qs b/inst/data-qs/credentials.qs
index 8236bed..dfc0bda 100644
Binary files a/inst/data-qs/credentials.qs and b/inst/data-qs/credentials.qs differ
diff --git a/inst/data-qs/global.qs b/inst/data-qs/global.qs
index b302777..e845a0d 100644
Binary files a/inst/data-qs/global.qs and b/inst/data-qs/global.qs differ
diff --git a/inst/readme/download.md b/inst/readme/download.md
index baafb99..bef51dc 100644
--- a/inst/readme/download.md
+++ b/inst/readme/download.md
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ file | content | key fields
datasets.xlsx | Information on the different datasets selected including reference and GenBank id | dataset_id
samples.xlsx | List of samples selected with medadata | file_code
asv.xlsx | ASV selected with taxonomy and sequence | asv_code
+asv.fasta | ASV selected with taxonomy and sequence in fasta form|
asv_reads.tsv.gz | Percent of reads (normalized to total number of eukaryotic reads in the sample), for each ASV and each sample (long form). | asv_code, file_code
phyloseq.rds | File to use with phyloseq R package (https://joey711.github.io/phyloseq/). Use readRDS() function to read | **5000 samples max**
diff --git a/vignettes/vignette-data-processing.Rmd b/vignettes/vignette-data-processing.Rmd
index d991f12..4e5d046 100644
--- a/vignettes/vignette-data-processing.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/vignette-data-processing.Rmd
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
* All datasets were processed with cutapdapt (Martin et al. 2011) to remove primers and the dada2 R package (Callahan et al. 2016) to compute ASVs.
+* Samples with less than 1,000 reads after processing not considered.
* Assignment was done with dada2 assignTaxa using the 18S PR2 4.14.0 as reference
* ASVs with less 100 reads total and with bootstrap value at the supergroup level < 75 were not considered.
-* Total read number per sample has been normalized to 100 with 3 decimals so that the value displayed in the different panels correspond to % of total eukaryotic reads.
+* Total read number per sample has been normalized to 100 with 3 decimals so that the value displayed in the different panels correspond to % of total eukaryotic reads. For this the number of reads for a given ASV in a given sample was divided by the total number of reads in this sample multiplied by 100.
## References
diff --git a/vignettes/vignette-query.Rmd b/vignettes/vignette-query.Rmd
index 1357fe3..3644439 100644
--- a/vignettes/vignette-query.Rmd
+++ b/vignettes/vignette-query.Rmd
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
# - need to build source package to have the vignettes
-This panel allows to query the ASVs in the database. Enter your sequence (only the sequence, do not include the fasta header) and press the `Search`button. All ASVs in the database are searched (not only those from teh selected datasets or samples). By clicking a sequence in the ASV table (Fig. 1) you can display the distribution of this ASV in the samples selected.
+This panel allows to query the ASVs in the database. Enter your sequence (you may include the fasta header) and press the `Search`button. All ASVs in the database are searched (not only those from teh selected datasets or samples). By clicking a sequence in the ASV table (Fig. 1) you can display the distribution of this ASV in the samples selected.
You can change the number of sequences displayed by decreasing the similarity threshold (Fig. 2).