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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Jan 11 11:30:11 2017
@author: PRABLANC P.

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sp

class ProsodicModificationRealTime(object):
"""Modification of the pitch of the voice with or without preservation of the spectrale envelope
Notes: resampling step is not handled properly leading to "clic" sounds. The scipy.resample()
function works with a Fourier-domain method which makes it impossible to deal with boundaries
issues. It would be necessary to incorporate in the frame to resample a few samples before and after
in order to deal with boundarie issues. A time-domain-based method would be probably more appropriate
such as scipy.resample_poly()

def __init__(self, fs=16000.0, frame_format='Float32'):
self.fs = np.float(fs)
self._pitch_rate = 1.0
self.fs_norm = self.fs / 16000.0
self._mid_buffer_size = int(256.0 * self.fs_norm)
self._buffer = 0.001*np.random.rand(5 * self._mid_buffer_size, 1)
self.win_length = int(128.0 * self.fs_norm) # based on fs = 16 kHz
win = np.hanning(self.win_length*2)
self.win_G = np.reshape(win[0:self.win_length], [self.win_length, 1])
self.win_D = np.reshape(win[self.win_length:], [self.win_length, 1])
self.win_s = int(256*self.fs_norm)

# initialization related to pitch change
self.initialize(self._pitch_rate, frame_format)

def initialize(self, pitch_rate, frame_format='Float32'):
# Pitch-shifting initialization
self.frame_format = frame_format
# if pitch_rate < 1, the weights can't overflow the pointer
self.length_weight = int(120 * self.fs_norm) # length of the weight window
diff = np.ceil(self.win_s * pitch_rate) - self.length_weight
if diff < 0:
self.length_weight = int(self.length_weight + diff)
tmp = np.arange(-self.length_weight, self.length_weight+1)
# weight used in frame intercorrelation
self.weight = np.ones(self.length_weight * 2 + 1)
self.weight[0:self.length_weight] = 1 - np.abs(tmp[0:self.length_weight]) / float(self.length_weight) * 0.5
self.weight[self.length_weight+1:] = 1 - np.abs(tmp[self.length_weight+1:]) / float(self.length_weight) * 0.5
self.weight = self.weight.reshape([self.length_weight * 2 + 1, 1])
self.frame_length = 1 + int(np.ceil(self.win_s * pitch_rate)) + 2*self.length_weight + self.win_s - 1
self.shift_mod = int(np.ceil(self.win_s*pitch_rate))
self.zeros_frame_mod = np.zeros([self.shift_mod, 1])
if pitch_rate < 1:
self.buffer_mod = np.zeros([5 * self.win_s, 1])
self.buffer_mod = np.zeros([5 * self.shift_mod, 1])

# LPC initialization
self.alpha = 0.97
self.n_lpc = 16
self.w_hamming = np.hamming(self.shift_mod)

def pitchshifting(self, new_frame):
new_frame = new_frame.reshape([new_frame.size, 1])
self._buffer = self.buffershift(self._buffer,new_frame)

frame_mod_prev = \
self.buffer_mod[(self.shift_mod + 1 - self.length_weight) : (1 + self.shift_mod + self.length_weight + self.win_s)]

frame_s = np.reshape(self._buffer[0:self.frame_length], [self.frame_length, 1])
intensity = 10 * np.log10(np.sum(frame_s**2) + 1e-30)

if intensity > self.MIN_INTENSITY_VALUE:
ic = sp.correlate(frame_mod_prev, frame_s[0:self.win_s])
intercorr = ic[self.win_s-2:self.win_s-1+2*self.length_weight] * self.weight
I = intercorr.argmax()
k_pos = I-(self.length_weight+1)
k_pos = 0
# Not clean, indices overflow buffer_mod size.
# It works because overflowed values are taken into account.
self.buffer_mod[self.shift_mod+k_pos+self.win_length:self.shift_mod+k_pos+self.frame_length] = \
self.buffer_mod[self.shift_mod+k_pos:self.shift_mod+k_pos+self.win_length] = \
+ self.buffer_mod[self.shift_mod+k_pos:self.shift_mod+k_pos+self.win_length]*self.win_D \
+ frame_s[0:self.win_length]*self.win_G

# shift modified buffer
self.buffer_mod = self.buffershift(self.buffer_mod,self.zeros_frame_mod)
# frame_residue = lpcanalysis(self.buffer_mod[:self.shift_mod])
# resample
frame_output = sp.resample(self.buffer_mod[:self.shift_mod], new_frame.size)
return frame_output

def lpcanalysis(self, frame):
raise NotImplementedError('Not yet implemented');
# frame_preemphasis = sp.lfilter([1, -self.alpha], 1, frame.reshape([frame.size]))
# frame_preemphasis_windowed = frame_preemphasis[self.n_lpc:] \
# *self.w_hamming
# R = sp.correlate(frame_preemphasis_windowed, frame_preemphasis_windowed) # coefficients de corrélation
# Ri = R[window_length-1:window_length+self.n_lpc]
# lpc_durbin = self.durbin(Ri) # calcul des ai
# ai = lpc_durbin['a']
# ai = ai.reshape([ai.size])
# self._lpc_coeff[:, n] = ai
# frame_filt = sp.lfilter(ai, 1.0, frame_preemphasis) # filtrage du signal
# frame_residue = frame_filt[self.n_lpc:]

def buffershift(self, buffer_loc, frame):
buffer_loc[:-frame.size] = buffer_loc[frame.size:]
buffer_loc[-frame.size:] = frame.reshape([frame.size, 1])
return buffer_loc

def str2numpy(self, frame):
return np.fromstring(frame,self.frame_format)

def numpy2str(self, frame):
frame = frame.astype(self.frame_format)
return frame.tostring()

def durbin(self,frame_corr):
"""Perform linear predictive coding with Levinson-Durbin recursion.
frame_corr (numpy array): First samples of auto-correlation frame.
'a': a, the filter coefficient of an auto-regressive model
'k': k, the reflexion coefficient
'En': En, the prediction error
R0 = frame_corr[0]
frame_corr = np.reshape(frame_corr/R0, [frame_corr.size, 1])
p = frame_corr.size - 1
k = np.zeros([p, 1])
a = 1
for n in range(0, p):
a = np.append(a, 0.)
a = a.reshape([a.size, 1])
r = frame_corr[0:n+2]
En = np.sum(r*a)
Bn = np.sum(np.flipud(r)*a)
ki = -Bn/En
a = a + np.flipud(a)*ki
k[n] = ki
En = R0*np.sum(frame_corr*a)
return {
'a': a,
'k': k,
'En': En,

def lsf2poly(lsf):
"""Convert line spectral frequencies to prediction filter coefficients
returns a vector a containing the prediction filter coefficients from a vector lsf of line spectral frequencies.
# Reference: A.M. Kondoz, "Digital Speech: Coding for Low Bit Rate Communications
# Systems" John Wiley & Sons 1994 ,Chapter 4

# Line spectral frequencies must be real.

lsf = np.array(lsf)

if max(lsf) > np.pi or min(lsf) < 0:
raise ValueError('Line spectral frequencies must be between 0 and pi.')

p = len(lsf) # model order

# Form zeros using the LSFs and unit amplitudes
z = np.exp(1.j * lsf)

# Separate the zeros to those belonging to P and Q
rQ = z[0::2]
rP = z[1::2]

# Include the conjugates as well
rQ = np.concatenate((rQ, rQ.conjugate()))
rP = np.concatenate((rP, rP.conjugate()))

# Form the polynomials P and Q, note that these should be real
Q = np.poly(rQ);
P = np.poly(rP);

# Form the sum and difference filters by including known roots at z = 1 and
# z = -1

if p%2:
# Odd order: z = +1 and z = -1 are roots of the difference filter, P1(z)
P1 = sp.convolve(P, [1, 0, -1])
Q1 = Q
# Even order: z = -1 is a root of the sum filter, Q1(z) and z = 1 is a
# root of the difference filter, P1(z)
P1 = sp.convolve(P, [1, -1])
Q1 = sp.convolve(Q, [1, 1])

# Prediction polynomial is formed by averaging P1 and Q1

a = .5 * (P1+Q1)
return a[0:-1:1] # do not return last element

def poly2lsf(a):
"""Prediction polynomial to line spectral frequencies.
converts the prediction polynomial specified by A,
into the corresponding line spectral frequencies, LSF.
normalizes the prediction polynomial by A(1).

#Line spectral frequencies are not defined for complex polynomials.

# Normalize the polynomial

a = np.array(a)
if a[0] != 1:

if max(np.abs(np.roots(a))) >= 1.0:
raise ValueError('The polynomial must have all roots inside of the unit circle.');

# Form the sum and difference filters

p = len(a)-1 # The leading one in the polynomial is not used
a1 = np.concatenate((a, np.array([0])))
a2 = a1[-1::-1]
P1 = a1 - a2 # Difference filter
Q1 = a1 + a2 # Sum Filter

# If order is even, remove the known root at z = 1 for P1 and z = -1 for Q1
# If odd, remove both the roots from P1

if p%2: # Odd order
P, r = sp.deconvolve(P1,[1, 0 ,-1])
Q = Q1
else: # Even order
P, r = sp.deconvolve(P1, [1, -1])
Q, r = sp.deconvolve(Q1, [1, 1])

rP = np.roots(P)
rQ = np.roots(Q)

aP = np.angle(rP[1::2])
aQ = np.angle(rQ[1::2])

lsf = sorted(np.concatenate((-aP,-aQ)))

return lsf

def mid_buffer_size(self):
return self._mid_buffer_size

def buffer(self):
return self._buffer

def pitch_rate(self):
print("pitch_rate = {}".format(self._pitch_rate))
return self._pitch_rate

def pitch_rate(self, new_pitch_rate):
self._pitch_rate = new_pitch_rate
self.initialize(self._pitch_rate, self.frame_format)

3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions ppsrt/
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#!/usr/bin/env python3

__version__ = "0.3.0"
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 23 01:03:34 2016
@author: PRABLANC

from pyaudio import PyAudio, paContinue, paFloat32
import readchar
import ProsodicModificationRealTime as pmrt
import time
#import scipy.signal as sp
#import numpy as np
#from import wavfile

p_flag = False
pitch_rate = 1.0
global_in = []
global_out = []

def main():
global p_flag, pitch_rate
PITCH_INC = 0.01
frame_format = 'Float32'
fs = 16000

transformation = pmrt.ProsodicModificationRealTime(fs, frame_format)
transformation.pitch_rate = pitch_rate
BUFFER_PYAUDIO_SIZE = transformation.mid_buffer_size

def callback(in_data, frame_count, time_info, flag):
global p_flag, pitch_rate, global_in, global_out
if flag:
print("Playback Error: %i" % flag)
if p_flag is True:
transformation.pitch_rate = pitch_rate
p_flag = False
in_data = transformation.str2numpy(in_data)
out_data = transformation.pitchshifting(in_data)
out_data = transformation.numpy2str(out_data)
return out_data, paContinue

pa = PyAudio()
stream = = paFloat32,
channels = 1,
rate = fs,
frames_per_buffer = BUFFER_PYAUDIO_SIZE,
input = True,
output = True,
stream_callback = callback)


print('Press either "+" or "-" to increase/lower the pitch of the voice.\nTo quit the record/play session, press "space"')
keypress = readchar.readchar()
while stream.is_active():

if keypress == ' ':
elif keypress == '+':
pitch_rate += PITCH_INC
p_flag = True
keypress = readchar.readchar()
elif keypress == '-':
pitch_rate -= PITCH_INC
p_flag = True
keypress = readchar.readchar()
keypress = readchar.readchar()
print('Press any key to quit ...')
keypress = readchar.readchar()

#i = np.array(global_in)
#o = np.array(global_out)
#wavfile.write('input.wav',fs,i.reshape([i.size, 1]))
#wavfile.write('output.wav',fs,o.reshape([o.size, 1]))

if __name__ == "__main__":


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