Releases: powsybl/powsybl-diagram
Releases · powsybl/powsybl-diagram
Release notes
- Bump powsybl-core to 4.9.1
- Display equipment id instead of diagram id (#403)
- Fix missing intern cell shape (#405)
- Choose which components are on busbars (#407)
- Intern cell various refactoring (#408)
- Change CI workflow trigger (#402)
Release notes
- Bump powsybl-core to 4.9.0 (#397)
- Add metadata for hvdc (#388)
- Compute busview topology only for needed voltage level (#391)
- Display P and Q on feeders with customizable precision (#384)
- Add debug-sld folder into .powsybl to write debug files (#392)
- Remove direction from FeederInfo class, adding a DirectionalFeederInfo (#387)
- Open NetworkGraphBuilder for custom implementation (#395)
- Display NaN values in FeederInfo as dash character (#399)
- Cell CSS styles added (#396)
- Make load-break-switch looks like breaker (#394)
Release notes
- Bump powsybl-core to 4.8.0 (#385)
- Features:
- Flip horizontally components in bottom direction cells (#377)
- Emphasize fictitious switches (#369)
- Add fictitious style on busbar-section (#381)
- Refactoring:
- Decoupling nodes blocks cells graphs (#356)
- Remove VoltageLevelGraph::getCells (#379)
- Refactor direction (#338)
- Decoupling cells and layout, blocks and layout (#380)
- Standardized eol (#378)
- Dependency management (#382)
Release notes
- Fix tooltip default implementation (#375)
- Fix NPE when voltage level or substation does not exist (#376)
Release notes
- Consecutive shunts (#361)
- Possibility to add indicators on busbarsection (#354, #363)
- Replace feederNodeId by equipmentId + side in GraphMetadata (#362)
- Use sets in graph traversal (#364)
- Add & use getInnerHeight (#365)
- Voltage level first buses aligned (#366)
- Allow to customize topology calculations (#367)
- Tooltip provider (#368)
- Raw builder classes can be extended (#370)
Release notes
- Bump powsybl-core to 4.6.0 (#327)
- Refactoring API:
- Diagram API simplified (#189)
- SVGWriter API simplified (#320)
- Merging duplicated interfaces SubstationLayout/VoltageLevelLayout/ZoneLayout (#321)
- Keep node keyword for Node class (#319)
- Use voltageLevelGraph keyword instead of graph when appropriate (#328)
- Graph serializing:
- Fix missing coordinates for nodes outside voltage level graphs (#323)
- Cleanup serializing (#324)
- Components library:
- Cleanup json components description (#329)
- Fix phase shifter component (#330)
- Factorize code in unit tests (#315)
- Various fixes:
- Fix label position name (#325)
- Remove label on fictitious BusNode (#326)
- Remove specific prefix in base-voltages.yml (#309)
Full Changelog: v2.6.0...v2.7.0
Release notes
- Intern cell explicit positionning, allowing couplers to be placed between two feeders (#292)

- Labels and decorators on all nodes, even fictitious (#297)
- Fix color trick by using a CSS variable for voltage color (#283)
- Fix svg background default to grey by using CSS variable with transparent fallback (#310)
- Fix BranchStatus code smells (#305)
- Add .powsybl folder to write debug files (#304)
Full Changelog: v2.5.1...v2.6.0
Release notes
- Bump to powsybl-core 4.5.1 (#307)
- Embedded default base voltages config file (#306)
Release notes
- Bump powsybl-core to 4.5.0 (#298, #300)

- New features:
- Background or frame on diagram (#276)
- User defined id on FeederInfo, NodeLabel and ElectricalNodeInfo (#290, #302). This is first intended for measure id but could be used to any other purpose of identifying a text label on the diagram.
- Refactoring:
- Separate ElectricalNodeInfo creation from getting its style (#294)

- Refactor InitialValue to FeederInfo (#284)

- Switch git branch master to main (#286)
- Various fixes
- Remove JAXB unused dependency (#285)
- Fix unit test failure with JDK17 (#296)
- Fix NullPointerException if tooltip enabled on null-name nodes (#279)