I'm a Graduated Student of Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology, with hands-on experiences on Software Engineering and Machine Learning, trying to learn as much as possible!
- 📫 How to reach me pouyan.hessabi@gmail.com
BSc Project in Amirkabir University of Technology(Tehran Polytechnique), Prototyping a Healthcare System using microservices architecture include four services: 1.Auth 2. Disease Detection 3. Exper…
Python 8
Project of IR(Information Retrieval) course in Amirkabir University Of Technology. Implementing basic search engine using tf-idf.
Python 3
Final project of AP(Advanced Programming) course in Amirkabir University Of Technology. Music Player written in Java
Java 3
A Ticketing System for issue tracking implemented using Python and Flask framework
2nd project of AI(Artificial Intelligence) course in Amirkabir University Of Technology. Implementing genetic algorithm in order to solve Super Mario game
Python 8
4th project of AI(Artificial Intelligence) course in Amirkabir University Of Technology. Implementing Bigram and Unigram models for filtering comments
Python 4