Pirate is a tiny fork of Brave's desktop browser containing what I want in my browser. Most changes will probably not be accepted by the brave team so I maintain a separate fork to myself.
Changes are and shall be mostly towards UI. A brief change list is provided here to compare the two versions.
Tabs are the first things that I changed within the brave. Current version of Brave has a tab bar like this:
My version (Pirate) has a tab bar much more like in Safari. More than changing the very shape it has pixel-perfect design fixes for the previous version.
In order to build the Pirate you can run this command:
npm run build-pirate
NOTE this only builds for x86 macOS and in a dev channel. If you wish to change settings in any manner you should modify tools/build-pirate.sh
For Technical information on how to setup the environment, build, test and other stuff. Please read these articles from the main repo of Brave:
And for more docs please check out this folder
Brave is open source software under MPL which means having a fork is acceptable, however due to my respect towards the Brave brand's trademark I have changed the name to Pirate so that it both respects the brand and it's trademark and still keeps it's relation to the original browser.
Thanks a lot to the Brave team for the great browser.