The Code Manifesto is the brain child of Kayla Daniels. It was was born from frustration with the current state of the technology industry. It is simply a set of values that can all be combined and boiled down into a simple premise: Respect Each Other.
The idea behind the Manifesto is that if more people held these values, and kept them top of mind, our industry would be a better place.
It is for everyone. Developers. Project Managers. Business owners. Conference organizers and attendees. We exclude no one.
Support it. Talk about it. Encourage others to support it.
This is an open source effort. The Manifesto is available on github.
Pull requests are welcomed the only thing we ask is that additions are made in the form of 'values', rather than 'actions'.
Additionally, if you are a designer and would like to contribute, your help would be greatly appreciated. You can contact Kayla here.
Logo Designed by Matt Andrews Front End Contributions by Craig Paul
- Arabic by Badr Chaouai and Ibrahim AshShohail
- Dutch by Wijnand
- French by Titouan Galopin and Aalaap
- German by Rebecca Stiebeiner, Jan Hohner and Philipp Mueller
- Hindi by Vani Murarka
- Italian by Damiano Venturin
- Brazilian Portuguese by Antonio Carlos Ribeiro
- Romanian by Adam Engebretson
- Russian by Adam Engebretson
- Spanish by Nicolás Vellón