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This tutorial provides a basic Erlang programmer's introduction to working with gRPC.

This is an Erlang version of the tutorial that is available for several other languages on, see for example the C version.

The tutorial covers both the client and the server side of the Erlang gRPC implementation. The implementations are in different repositories:

By walking through this example you'll learn how to:

  • Define a service in a .proto file.
  • Generate server and client code using the protocol buffer compiler.
  • Use the Erlang gRPC API to write a simple client and server for your service.

It assumes that you have read the Overview on and are familiar with protocol buffers. Note that the example in this tutorial uses the proto3 version of the protocol buffers language, which is currently in beta release: you can find out more in the proto3 language guide and see the release notes for the new version in the protocol buffers Github repository.

Why use gRPC?

Our example is a simple route mapping application that lets clients get information about features on their route, create a summary of their route, and exchange route information such as traffic updates with the server and other clients.

With gRPC we can define our service once in a .proto file and implement clients and servers in any of gRPC's supported languages, which in turn can be run in environments ranging from servers inside Google to your own tablet - all the complexity of communication between different languages and environments is handled for you by gRPC. We also get all the advantages of working with protocol buffers, including efficient serialization, a simple IDL, and easy interface updating.

Example code and setup

The example code for our tutorial is in /examples/route_guide.

To try the examples it is easiest to start an erlang shell using:

$ make shell

And then in this shell cd to the examples/routeguide directory:

1> cd("examples/route_guide").

Defining the service

Our first step is to define the gRPC service and the method request and response types using protocol buffers. You can see the complete .proto file in examples/route_guide/route_guide.proto.

To define a service, you specify a named service in your .proto file:

service RouteGuide {

Then you define rpc methods inside your service definition, specifying their request and response types. gRPC lets you define four kinds of service method, all of which are used in the RouteGuide service:

  • A simple RPC where the client sends a request to the server using the stub and waits for a response to come back, just like a normal function call.
// Obtains the feature at a given position.
rpc GetFeature(Point) returns (Feature) {}
  • A server-side streaming RPC where the client sends a request to the server and gets a stream to read a sequence of messages back. The client reads from the returned stream until there are no more messages. As you can see in our example, you specify a server-side streaming method by placing the stream keyword before the response type.
// Obtains the Features available within the given Rectangle.  Results are
// streamed rather than returned at once (e.g. in a response message with a
// repeated field), as the rectangle may cover a large area and contain a
// huge number of features.
rpc ListFeatures(Rectangle) returns (stream Feature) {}
  • A client-side streaming RPC where the client writes a sequence of messages and sends them to the server, again using a provided stream. Once the client has finished writing the messages, it waits for the server to read them all and return its response. You specify a client-side streaming method by placing the stream keyword before the request type.
// Accepts a stream of Points on a route being traversed, returning a
// RouteSummary when traversal is completed.
rpc RecordRoute(stream Point) returns (RouteSummary) {}
  • A bidirectional streaming RPC where both sides send a sequence of messages using a read-write stream. The two streams operate independently, so clients and servers can read and write in whatever order they like: for example, the server could wait to receive all the client messages before writing its responses, or it could alternately read a message then write a message, or some other combination of reads and writes. The order of messages in each stream is preserved. You specify this type of method by placing the stream keyword before both the request and the response.
// Accepts a stream of RouteNotes sent while a route is being traversed,
// while receiving other RouteNotes (e.g. from other users).
rpc RouteChat(stream RouteNote) returns (stream RouteNote) {}

Our .proto file also contains protocol buffer message type definitions for all the request and response types used in our service methods - for example, here's the Point message type:

// Points are represented as latitude-longitude pairs in the E7 representation
// (degrees multiplied by 10**7 and rounded to the nearest integer).
// Latitudes should be in the range +/- 90 degrees and longitude should be in
// the range +/- 180 degrees (inclusive).
message Point {
  int32 latitude = 1;
  int32 longitude = 2;

Generating client and server code

Next we need to generate the gRPC client and server interfaces from our .proto service definition. A large part of the work is done by the exellent Erlang protobuf implementation gpb. Some additional code is generated to deal with the gRPC specifics.

Generating all required files can easily be done from the Erlang shell:

1> grpc:compile("route_guide.proto").

Running this command generates the following files in your current directory:

  • route_guide.erl, the code to encode and decode the protobuf messages
  • route_guide_server.erl, which contains skeleton functions for a server

These contain:

  • All the protocol buffer code to populate, serialize, and retrieve our request and response message types
  • a set of ("empty") functions (or skeleton functions) in which you have to provide your implementation of the server side of the methods defined in the RouteGuide service.

Creating the server

First let's look at how we create a RouteGuide server. If you're only interested in creating gRPC clients, you can skip this section and go straight to Creating the client (though you might find it interesting anyway!).

There are two parts to making our RouteGuide service do its job:

  • Providing the required code to make the generated skeleton functions do the actual "work" of our service.
  • Running a gRPC server to listen for requests from clients and return the service responses.

You can find our example RouteGuide server in examples/route_guide/server/route_guide_server_1.erl. Let's take a closer look at how it works.

Implementing RouteGuide

As you can see, our example is a copy of the generated route_guide_server.erl module with bits added to do the actual work.

In this case we're implementing a synchronous version of RouteGuide. This means that the flow of control is determined by the client. The server waits for a request by the client, does its processing, possibly sends back one or more reply messages, and then waits for the next request. In general this fits well for simple RPC requests, but perhaps less so for server-side streaming RPCs or bidirectional streaming RPCs. Using standard Erlang concepts it is not difficult to implement an a-synchonous version of the service, but we won't consider that in this tutorial.

route_guide_server_1.erl contains a set of type specifications for the messages (they will be translated to and from Erlang maps), and functions for all our service methods. Let's look at the simplest type first, GetFeature, which just gets a Point from the client and returns the corresponding feature information from its database in a Feature.

The "empty" function that is in the generated module looks like this:

-spec 'GetFeature'(Message::'Point'(), Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->
    {'Feature'(), grpc:stream()} | grpc:error_response().
%% This is a unary RPC
'GetFeature'(_Message, Stream, _State) ->
    {#{}, Stream}.

In our example implementation, the completed function looks like this:

-spec 'GetFeature'(Message::'Point'(), Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->
    {'Feature'(), grpc:stream()} | grpc:error_response().
%% This is a unary RPC
'GetFeature'(Message, Stream, _State) ->
    Feature = #{name => find_point(Message, data()),
                location => Message}, 
    {Feature, Stream}.

The function is passed the client's Point protocol buffer request (decoded to a map), a data structure that contains context information about the request (or "Stream"), and some State information.

In this simple example we don't use the Stream and State information, so we'll ignore it for now. The Stream must be passed back in the response, because it is possible to modify it (for example by adding headers).

As the function spec indicates, the function must return a Feature, which is again a map. The fields that are expected in the map can be found in the type specification for Feature(), which can be found in the generated module.

Now let's look at something a bit more complicated - a streaming RPC. ListFeatures is a server-side streaming RPC, so we need to send back multiple Features to our client.

-spec 'ListFeatures'(Message::'Rectangle'(), Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->    
    {['Feature'()], grpc:stream()} | grpc:error_response().
%% This is a server-to-client streaming RPC
'ListFeatures'(_Message, Stream, _State) ->
    Stream2 = grpc:send(Stream, 
                          #{name => "Louvre",
                            location => #{latitude => 4,
                                          longitude => 5}}),
    {[#{name => "Tour Eiffel",
        location => #{latitude => 3,
                      longitude => 5}}], Stream2}.

As you can see, this is not a "proper" implementation. It does not consider the input at all, but it always returns the same result, which consists of two Features. Note that it uses two different ways to do this: The first Feature is sent to the client explictly, using grpc:send/2, and the second point is passed in the return value of the function. Which way you want to use is up to you, it would also have been possible to send all responses using grpc:send/2 or in the return value (but that would not be very logical for a streaming RPC, since the response messages will then be sent all together when all the work is done).

Note that the new Stream value that is returned by grpc:send/2 must be used from that moment on, and the final Stream value must be passed back in the return value of the function.

If you look at the client-side streaming method RecordRoute you may recognise that this follows a kind of 'folding' pattern, as known from lists:foldl/3 or maps:fold/3. The RecordRoute function will be called for each Point that is received. With it you receive the result of the previous invocation (the accumulator). You return the new value for the accumulator.

Regarding the input parameters there are three cases to consider:

  • the first invocation receives a starting state that is specified when the server is started. In this case that value is undefined. For more information on how to specify this value, see starting the server.

  • All following invocations receive the result of the previous invocation as the value for the last parameter.

  • to signal that the last message was received from the client, the special value eof is passed (in stead of a message).

Regarding the return value there are two cases to consider:

  • If the server considers that the answer must be sent to the client, it returns a tuple {ResponseValue, Stream}. Typically this should happen after receiving the eof input value, see above.

  • If the server expects more values, it returns {continue, AccumulatorValue, Stream}.

-spec 'RecordRoute'(Message::'Point'() | eof, Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->
    {continue, grpc:stream(), any()} |
    {'RouteSummary'(), grpc:stream()} |
%% This is a client-to-server streaming RPC. After the client has sent the last message,
%% this function will be called a final time with 'eof' as the first argument. This last 
%% invocation must return the response message.
'RecordRoute'(FirstPoint, Stream, undefined) ->
    %% The fact that State == undefined tells us that this is the 
    %% first point. Set the starting state, and return 'continue' to 
    %% indicate that we are not done yet.
    {continue, Stream, #{t_start => erlang:system_time(1),
                         acc => [FirstPoint]}};
'RecordRoute'(eof, Stream, #{start_time := T0, acc := Points}) ->
    %% receiving 'eof' tells us that we need to return a result.
    {#{elapsed_time => erlang:system_time(1) - T0,
       point_count => length(Points),
       feature_count => count_features(Points),
       distance => distance(Points)}, Stream};
'RecordRoute'(Point, Stream, #{acc := Acc} = State) ->
    {continue, Stream, State#{acc => [Point | Acc]}}.

Finally, let's look at our bidirectional streaming RPC RouteChat().

-spec 'RouteChat'(Message::'RouteNote'() | eof, Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->
    {['RouteNote'()], grpc:stream(), any()} |
    {['RouteNote'()], grpc:stream()} |
%% This is a bidirectional streaming RPC. If the client terminates the stream
%% this function will be called a final time with 'eof' as the first argument. 
'RouteChat'(In, Stream, undefined) ->
    'RouteChat'(In, Stream, []);
'RouteChat'(eof, Stream, _) ->
    {[], Stream};
'RouteChat'(#{location := Location} = P, Stream, Data) ->
    Messages = proplists:get_all_values(Location, Data),
    {Messages, Stream, [{Location, P} | Data]}.

The conventions for the invocation are exactly the same as for the client-side streaming case, see above.

For the return value the situation is different, because we can now send zero or more return values after every invocation.

This time we include a list of zero or more response messages in the return value, rather than continue. If we want the stream to continue we return a 3-tuple {[Value], Stream, NewState} (NewState will be included as the new value for the third parameter at the next invocation). If we want it to end, we send a 2-tuple {[Value], Stream}.

Starting the server

Once we've implemented all our methods, we also need to start up a gRPC server so that clients can actually use our service. The following snippet shows how we do this for our RouteGuide service. Note that it will only work if both the route_guide_server_1 module and the generated encoder/decoder module route_guide are on the code path.

5> {ok, Server} = grpc:start_server(grpc, tcp, 10000, #{'RouteGuide' => #{handler => route_guide_server_1}}).

The first argument is the name of the server (strictly speaking: the Cowboy listener). It can be any term. The second argument specifies the transport layer. It can be tcp or ssl. The third argument specifies the port and the fourth argument links the gRPC service to our handler module. As an optional fifth argument some options can be provided, for example to enable compression or authentication, details about that are provided in separate sections below.

Creating the client

In this section, we'll look at creating an Erlang client for our RouteGuide service. Note that the Erlang client is in a different repository: grpc_client.

As for the server, a client module can be generated by compile the .proto file:

1> grpc_client:compile("route_guide.proto").

Creating a connection

The module route_guide_client.erl that was created when we compiled route_guide.proto contains the types for the messages that are exchanged between client and server. It also contains a number of stubs: functions that can be called locally by the server, which will result in a remote call to the server. Especially in the case of simple RPCs it may be convenient to use these stubs. As we will see below it may be more convenient (or even necessary) for streaming RPCs to use more general functions to send and receive messages.

First we need to create a gRPC connection, specifying the server address and port we want to connect to and optionally some additional data for the connection, such as TLS related options. In our case we'll use the simple form without TLS or other options.

1> {ok, Connection} = grpc_client:connect(tcp, "localhost", 10000).

Now we can use the connection to create a "stream". The stream is specific for the RPC that we are calling. Each invocation needs its own stream, which may be used to exchange many messages between the client and the server (if it is a streaming service). Like the server, also the client needs to have the encoder/decoder module route_guide on the code path.

2> {ok, Stream} = grpc_client:new_stream(Connection, 'RouteGuide', 'ListFeatures', route_guide).

Calling service methods

Now let's look at how we call our service methods.

Simple RPC

Simple RPCs follow a fixed pattern of messages that are exchanged between the client and the server: essentially the client sends a request and the server sends back a response (on the wire you would also see some headers being exchanged). Since this is such simple pattern, the whole exchange of messages can be handled by one function call: grpc_client:unary/6. We don't even have to bother about establishing (and stopping) a stream, this will all be handled by unary.

3> Point = #{latitude => 409146138, longitude => -746188906}.
4> grpc_client:unary(Connection, Point, 'RouteGuide', 'GetFeature', route_guide, []).
{ok,#{grpc_status => 0,
      headers => #{<<":status">> => <<"200">>},
      http_status => 200,
      result =>
          #{location =>
                #{latitude => 409146138,longitude => -746188906},
            name =>
                "Berkshire Valley Management Area Trail, Jefferson, NJ, USA"},
      status_message => <<>>,
      trailers => #{<<"grpc-status">> => <<"0">>}}}

As you can see, we call the function with an argument of type Point(), that is: a map, and the main result is Feature(): another map. The translation of these maps to and from protobufs is handled for us.

Note that in this example the function that we are calling is blocking/synchronous: this means that the RPC call waits for the server to respond (you can specify an optional timeout). Below we will see a more general approach to exchange messages over a stream. This gives a lot of control, and it can also be used to implement simple RPCs, for example if you want to have an a-synchronous implementation or if you want have control over the processing of headers.

To simplify things even more for simple RPCs the compilation step generates stubs for these functions. The generated file "route_guide_client.erl" contains a function 'GetFeature'/3 that can be called as follows:

5> route_guide_client:'GetFeature'(Connection, Point, []).

Streaming RPCs

Now let's look at our streaming methods. The interaction between client and server is more complex in these cases: we cannot simply send one request and receive an answer, but we need to establish a "Stream" to exchange messages in both ways.

The process that we will use is not specific for any of the different types of streaming RPCs (client-streaming, server-streaming, bidirectional streaming). In fact, you can also use this method for simple RPCs, if you want to call a simple RPC in an a-synchronous way.

In all cases we start by initiating a connection, and on that connection a stream. Let's start one for the 'RouteChat' RPC, which is a bidirectional streaming RPC.

{ok, Connection} = grpc_client:connect(tcp, "localhost", 10000),
{ok, Stream} = grpc_client:new_stream(Connection, 'RouteGuide', 'RouteChat', route_guide).

This stream can now be used to send and receive messages. It always has to start with a message from the client (in fact, the stream wil only be created 'on the wire' when that happens). Let's send 2 Points.

P1 = #{latitude => 1, longitude => 2}, 
P2 = #{latitude => 3, longitude => 5},
grpc_client:send(Stream, #{location => P1, message => "something about P1"}),
grpc_client:send(Stream, #{location => P2, message => "something about P2"}).

Now we can see whether we have already received and responses:


This returns empty - we did not yet receive anything. This is not surprising, because the server will only send a message if it receives information about a point that it knows something about.

We can also check using the blocking rcv function. Let's specify a timeout to avoid getting stuck.

grpc_client:rcv(Stream, 1000).

This returns {error,timeout} after one second - still no messages.

When we send some additional information for P1, we should get a response message with the information that we sent earlier.

grpc_client:send(Stream, #{location => P1, message => "more about P1"}).

Now try to get a message:


Now we get:


Calling it again gives:

{data,#{location => #{latitude => 1,longitude => 2}, 
        message => "something about P1"}}

So we do not only get the messages this way, but also the headers.

Bi-directional streaming RPCs such as RouteChat have no specific end, they can go on forever and there is no particular way to stop them, apart from stopping the stream (using grpc_client:stop_stream(Stream).) This is different for the other RPC types: there the client has to signal that it has sent its last message, and the server may send a trailer which may contain additional metadata.

To show how this works let's look at an example for our server-streaming RPC ListFeatures. We'll reuse P1 and P2 as the corner points for the area for which we would like to know the features. This is shown below as a sequence of commands and return values in an Erlang shell.

2> {ok, S} = grpc_client:new_stream(Connection, 'RouteGuide', 'ListFeatures', route_guide).  
3> grpc_client:get(S).                                                        
4> grpc_client:send_last(S, #{hi => P1, lo => P2}).                           
5> grpc_client:get(S).
6> grpc_client:rcv(S).
{data,#{location => #{latitude => 4,longitude => 5},name => "Louvre"}}
7> grpc_client:rcv(S).
{data,#{location => #{latitude => 3,longitude => 5},name => "Tour Eiffel"}}
8> grpc_client:rcv(S).
9> grpc_client:get(S).
10> grpc_client:get(S).
11> grpc_client:rcv(S).

You will notice a few things:

  • send_last/2 is used to indicate that this message is the last one. For the ListFeatures we now expect to receive a number of response messages.
  • As long as no anwer has been received, get/1 returns empty. (Using rcv/1 would block).
  • Once messages have arrived, get/1 and rcv/1 can be used to retrieve information that was sent by the server.
  • get/1 and rcv/1 do not only return messages, but also headers. In this example they do not contain anything special, but they may contain metadata that may be relevant.
  • The server sends headers before the first message and after the last message. These headers are returned by get/1 and rcv/1 in the same way, that is, separately and in the right order.
  • After the last set of headers has been received the stream is considered closed, and both get/1 and rcv/1 return eof.


gRPC has SSL/TLS integration and promotes the use of SSL/TLS to authenticate the server, and to encrypt all the data exchanged between the client and the server. Optional mechanisms are available for clients to provide certificates for mutual authentication.

Using client-side SSL/TLS

This is the simplest authentication scenario, where a client just wants to authenticate the server and encrypt all data.

The server has to be started so that it expects to use TLS. In this example we want it to authenticate itself as "localhost", so it needs certificates for that domain. Note that you must ensure that the required modules (route_guide_server and also route_guide, the decoding module) are on the erlang code path, and the location of the certificate files must also be correct. The example certificates can be found in test/certificates.

grpc:start_server(grpc, ssl, 10000,
    #{'RouteGuide' => #{handler => route_guide_server_1}}, 
    [{transport_options, [{certfile, "certificates/localhost.crt"},
                          {keyfile, "certificates/localhost.key"},
                          {cacertfile, "certificates/My_Root_CA.crt"}]}]).

On the client side we must now also use TLS:

1> application:ensure_all_started(ssl).
2> {ok, Connection} = grpc_client:connect(ssl, "localhost", 10000, []).
3> {ok, S} = grpc_client:new_stream(Connection, 'RouteGuide', 'ListFeatures', route_guide).
3> grpc_client:send_last(S, #{hi => P1, lo => P2}).
4> grpc_client:get(S).
5> grpc_client:rcv(S).
{data,#{location => #{latitude => 4,longitude => 5},name => "Louvre"}}

To ensure that the client checks the identity of the serve, provide a few extra options to enforce the exchange of certificates and to tell the client to perform the check:

6> SslOptions = [{cacertfile, "certificates/My_Root_CA.crt"},{fail_if_no_peer_cert, true}].
7> Options = [{verify_server_identity, true}, {transport_options, SslOptions}].
8> {ok, C} = grpc_client:connect(ssl, "localhost", 10000, Options).

This will check the subject of the certificate against the host name ("localhost", in this case). If you know that the certifcate will have another subject, the option 'server_host_override' can be used to provide that name.

To tell the server that it must authenticate the client, provide an extra option 'client_cert_dir' which will indicate where the required certificates are, and we must pass a few extra transport_options to ensure that the authentication is enforced. So the server will be started like this:

grpc:start_server(grpc, ssl, 10000,
    #{'RouteGuide' => #{handler => route_guide_server_1}}, 
    [{client_cert_dir, "certificates"},
     {transport_options, [{certfile, "certificates/localhost.crt"},
                          {keyfile, "certificates/localhost.key"},
                          {cacertfile, "certificates/My_Root_CA.crt"},
                          {fail_if_no_peer_cert, true},
                          {verify, verify_peer}]}]).

The client must now pass its certificate:

1> SslOptions = [{certfile, "certificates/"},
                 {keyfile, "certificates/"},
                 {cacertfile, "certificates/My_Root_CA.crt"}].
2> {ok, Connection} = grpc_client:connect(ssl, "localhost", 10000,
[{transport_options, SslOptions}]).
3> {ok, S} = grpc_client:new_stream(Connection, 'RouteGuide', 'ListFeatures', route_guide).
4> grpc_client:send_last(S, #{hi => P1, lo => P2}).


Metadata is information about a particular RPC call (such as authentication details) in the form of a list of key-value pairs, where the keys are strings and the values are typically strings (but can be binary data). Metadata is opaque to gRPC itself - it lets the client provide information associated with the call to the server and vice versa.

Adding metadata to a request

To add metadata to a request (from the client to the server), specify the key-value pairs when creating the stream:

Metadata = #{<<"password">> => <<"secret">>},
{ok, Stream} = grpc_client:new_stream(Connection, 'RouteGuide', 'RouteChat', route_guide, [{metadata, Metadata}]).

On the server side, the metadata that was sent by the client can be retrieved from the Stream parameter that is passed to every service implementation. In order to limit access to the 'GetFeature' service to clients that provide the password "secret" in the metadata, we could do this:

-spec 'GetFeature'(Message::'Point'(), Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->
    {'Feature'(), grpc:stream()} | grpc::error_response().
%% This shows how to access metadata that was sent by the client,
%% and how to send an error response.
'GetFeature'(Message, Stream, _State) ->
    case grpc:metadata(Stream) of
        #{<<"password">> := <<"secret">>} ->
            Feature = #{name => find_point(Message, data()),
                        location => Message}, 
            {Feature, Stream};
        _ -> 
            {error, 7, <<"permission denied">>, Stream}

Adding metadata to a response

The server can add metadata to the initial header that is sent to the client, and/or to the final trailer using grpc:set_headers/2 or grpc:set_trailers/2. A simplistic example that uses both variants:

-spec 'ListFeatures'(Message::'Rectangle'(), Stream::grpc:stream(), State::any()) ->
    {['Feature'()], grpc:stream()} | grpc::error_response().
%% This adds metadata to the header and to the trailer that are sent to the client.
'ListFeatures'(_Message, Stream, _State) ->
    Stream2 = grpc:send(grpc:set_headers(Stream, 
                                             #{<<"info">> => <<"this is a test-implementation">>}), 
                          #{name => "Louvre",
                            location => #{latitude => 4,
                                          longitude => 5}}),
    Stream3 = grpc:set_trailers(Stream2, #{<<"nr_of_points_sent">> => <<"2">>}),
    {[#{name => "Tour Eiffel",
        location => #{latitude => 3,
                      longitude => 5}}], Stream3}.

The values will be accessible for the client in the header and trailer messages that it will receive (also the "standard" HTTP/2 and grpc headers such as ":status" and "grpc-status" are available in this way).

1> {ok, C} = grpc_client:connect(tcp, "localhost", 10000).
2> {ok, Stream} = grpc_client:new_stream(C, 'RouteGuide', 'ListFeatures', route_guide),
3> P1 = #{latitude => 1, longitude => 2}, P2 = #{latitude => 3, longitude => 5}.
4> grpc_client:send_last(Stream, #{hi => P1, lo => P2}).
5> grpc_client:rcv(Stream).
{headers,#{<<":status">> => <<"200">>,
           <<"info">> => <<"this is a test-implementation">>}}
6> grpc_client:rcv(Stream).
{data,#{location => #{latitude => 4,longitude => 5},name => "Louvre"}}
7> grpc_client:rcv(Stream).
{data,#{location => #{latitude => 3,longitude => 5},name => "Tour Eiffel"}}
8> grpc_client:rcv(Stream).
{headers,#{<<"grpc-status">> => <<"0">>,
           <<"nr_of_points_sent">> => <<"2">>}}
8> grpc_client:rcv(Stream).


gRPC supports compression of messages. The standard specifies several poossible methods: gzip, deflate or snappy, and it also allows the use of custom methods. This implementation currently only supports gzip.

On the client side, a message that is sent to the server can be compressed by specifying the option {compression, gzip} when creating the stream (or as an option to a simple rpc in a generated client module).

2>  {ok, Stream} = grpc_client:new_stream(C, 'RouteGuide', 'ListFeatures',
                                          [{compression, gzip}]).


3> route_guide_client:'GetFeature'(Connection, Point, [{compression, gzip}]).

On the server side, a message that is sent to the client can be compressed by applying grpc:set_compression/2 on the stream, similar to the way metadata can be added using grpc:set_headers/2 or grpc:set_trailers/2.

Server Middleware

You can implement middleware as described in The list of middlewares will need to be specified in order of execution in the middlewares option when starting the server. The list must include cowboy_router and cowboy_handler.


  • Timeout.
  • Description and improvement of the actual implementation of error handling.
  • Client side middleware support