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Advanced Front End

Portland Code School Course Site

Directory Structure

├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock
├── Gruntfile.js
├── Rakefile.rb
├── _config.yml   # site configuration
├── _includes     # html partials
├── _layouts      # html layouts
├── _posts        # blog posts (course lessons go here)
├── _site         # generated site files
├── assets
│   ├── css/      # generated css
│   ├── fonts/    # FontAwesome files (currently not being used, in favor of the CDN-hosted version.)
│   ├── js/
│   └── less/
│       ...
│       ├── pcs-custom.less   # (most) customizations are here
│       ...
├──     # course curriculum page
├── favicon.png   
├── feed.xml
├── images/
├──      # landing page
├──  # resources page
└── sitemap.xml

Updating Site Content

To create a new post, issue bundle exec rake new_post and look for the generated markdown file in _posts.

To create a new page, use bundle exec rake new_page. The generated markdown file will be saved to the project root.

Previewing Locally and Publishing to GitHub Pages

To preview the site locally, issue

bundle exec rake preview

To publish it to GitHub Pages:

bundle exec rake publish

Both rake tasks will re-compile LESS assets and check for the correct site url in _config.yml (more on that below).

What the Rake tasks do

rake preview

When previewing locally, Rake compiles assets with

lessc -x assets/less/main.less > assets/css/main.min.css

and generates and serves the site with

jekyll serve

rake publish

When publishing to GitHub pages, Rake compiles LESS as above, checks for a clean git status, and regenerates the site on a gh-pages branch before pushing all branches to remote origin:

git branch -D gh-pages  &&  git branch gh-pages  &&  git push --all origin

Site URL Check

The following lines in config.yml must be swapped when switching between development and production environments. Rake will check to make sure the correct one for previewing / publishing is set and prompt you if you've forgotten to swap them out.

url:  # for production
# url:                         # for local testing


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