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base repository: pop-os/cosmic-comp
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base: db3e372b8f81f174513b4a9f82a876d267d0145c
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head repository: pop-os/cosmic-comp
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compare: 809eeafa6d9760039934eedb3e7942bdc72384e3
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Showing with 6,066 additions and 4,868 deletions.
  1. +1,176 −842 Cargo.lock
  2. +27 −26 Cargo.toml
  3. +6 −9 config.ron
  4. +1 −0 cosmic-comp-config/src/
  5. +43 −0 cosmic-comp-config/src/
  6. +263 −127 src/backend/kms/
  7. +4 −7 src/backend/kms/
  8. +2 −2 src/backend/
  9. +4 −3 src/backend/render/
  10. +76 −41 src/backend/render/
  11. +19 −33 src/backend/
  12. +14 −18 src/backend/
  13. +22 −16 src/config/
  14. +25 −50 src/config/
  15. +18 −15 src/config/
  16. +3 −3 src/
  17. +439 −228 src/input/
  18. +40 −38 src/
  19. +26 −16 src/
  20. +60 −20 src/shell/element/
  21. +49 −74 src/shell/element/
  22. +64 −19 src/shell/element/
  23. +36 −28 src/shell/element/stack/
  24. +6 −6 src/shell/element/stack/
  25. +74 −24 src/shell/element/stack/
  26. +10 −6 src/shell/element/
  27. +22 −3 src/shell/element/
  28. +13 −5 src/shell/element/
  29. +50 −33 src/shell/element/
  30. +109 −87 src/shell/focus/
  31. +96 −16 src/shell/focus/
  32. +12 −4 src/shell/grabs/
  33. +79 −53 src/shell/grabs/
  34. +58 −15 src/shell/layout/floating/grabs/
  35. +133 −238 src/shell/layout/floating/
  36. +107 −61 src/shell/layout/tiling/grabs/
  37. +4 −4 src/shell/layout/tiling/grabs/
  38. +1,049 −1,218 src/shell/layout/tiling/
  39. +678 −713 src/shell/
  40. +246 −305 src/shell/
  41. +98 −63 src/
  42. +67 −0 src/
  43. +149 −0 src/utils/
  44. +26 −17 src/utils/
  45. +1 −0 src/utils/
  46. +13 −7 src/utils/
  47. +25 −24 src/wayland/handlers/
  48. +3 −51 src/wayland/handlers/
  49. +79 −0 src/wayland/handlers/
  50. +2 −3 src/wayland/handlers/
  51. +4 −0 src/wayland/handlers/
  52. +2 −2 src/wayland/handlers/
  53. +29 −0 src/wayland/handlers/
  54. +1 −46 src/wayland/handlers/
  55. +17 −17 src/wayland/handlers/
  56. +2 −2 src/wayland/handlers/
  57. +3 −3 src/wayland/handlers/
  58. +58 −0 src/wayland/handlers/
  59. +52 −0 src/wayland/handlers/
  60. +4 −12 src/wayland/handlers/
  61. +95 −22 src/wayland/handlers/xdg_shell/
  62. +55 −28 src/wayland/handlers/xdg_shell/
  63. +3 −3 src/wayland/protocols/
  64. +3 −3 src/wayland/protocols/
  65. +5 −9 src/wayland/protocols/
  66. +3 −3 src/wayland/protocols/
  67. +27 −6 src/wayland/protocols/
  68. +77 −141 src/