This project explores video game sales data from 1977 to 2020 using PostgreSQL. Which will explore the golden age of video games for all the time.
Here, we’ll explore the top 400 best-selling video games created between 1977 and 2020. We’ll compare a dataset on game sales with critic and user reviews to determine whether or not video games have improved as the gaming market has grown.
1 game_sales table
columns and its description :
- game (varchar) — Name of the video game
- platform (varchar) — Gaming platform
- publisher (varchar) — Game publisher
- developer (varchar) — Game developer
- games_sold (float) — Number of copies sold (millions)
- year (int) — Release year
2 reviews table
columns and its description :
- game (varchar) — Name of the video game
- critic_score (float) — Critic score according to Metacritic
- user_score (float) — User score according to Metacritic
Analyzing video game sales data to determine if there was a “Golden Age” of video games, can be found in blog post. Blog Post : here
The year 2008 marks a defining moment in gaming history, where creativity, innovation, and entertainment reached unprecedented heights. With a remarkable 175.07 million games sold, 2008 has left an indelible legacy as a golden year that set the standard for excellence in the gaming industry.
There was no response data from the critic and users review table to understand why critics and users gave the score they did.