To run the server:
$ gradle run
To run the test shell:
$ bin/zerograph shell
Zerograph Shell v1β
(C) Copyright 2014, Nigel Small <>
Execute Cypher statements or meta-commands (prefixed with "!"). Multiple Cypher
statements can be separated by a semicolon and will be executed within the
same batched transaction. Type !HELP for help or type !EOF to exit the shell.
[Z] localhost:47470> !help
!HELP display this help
!EOF exit the shell
!OPEN <port> open the graph on port <port>, creating it if it doesn't exist
!DROP <port> drop the graph on port <port> and delete the files from disk
!GET <resource> [<json_object_data>]
!SET <resource> [<json_object_data>]
!PATCH <resource> [<json_object_data>]
!CREATE <resource> [<json_object_data>]
!DELETE <resource> [<json_object_data>]
!EXECUTE <resource> [<json_object_data>]
[Z] localhost:47470> create (a:Person {name:'Alice'}) return a
(1:Person {"name":"Alice"})
(1 row)
[Z] localhost:47470> ⌁