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base repository: policy-design-lab/pdl-frontend
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected base ref is valid, then try again.
base: 0.5.1
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head repository: policy-design-lab/pdl-frontend
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: main
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Showing with 36,560 additions and 25,776 deletions.
  1. +253 −3
  2. +15,098 −18,210 package-lock.json
  3. +7 −1 package.json
  4. +3 −0 src/app.config.js
  5. +18 −0 src/app.tsx
  6. +0 −71 src/components/HorizontalStackedBar.tsx
  7. +8 −6 src/components/LandingDisplay.tsx
  8. +0 −562 src/components/LandingPageMap.tsx
  9. +130 −36 src/components/LandingPageMapTab.tsx
  10. +446 −0 src/components/LandingPageProgramMap.tsx
  11. +456 −0 src/components/LandingPageTotalMap.tsx
  12. +26 −8 src/components/NavBar.tsx
  13. +5 −25 src/components/PDLLogo.tsx
  14. +525 −93 src/components/ProgramDrawer.tsx
  15. +7 −14 src/components/SemiDonutChart.tsx
  16. +397 −0 src/components/acep/ACEPTable.tsx
  17. +243 −0 src/components/acep/ACEPTotalMap.tsx
  18. +117 −52 src/components/{csp/CSPTotalTable.tsx → acep/ACEPTotalTable.tsx}
  19. +390 −0 src/components/acep/AcepTreeMap.tsx
  20. +245 −0 src/components/acep/TreeMapSquares.tsx
  21. +328 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/CropInsuranceMap.tsx
  22. +360 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/CropInsuranceTable.tsx
  23. +959 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/chart/CropInsuranceBar.tsx
  24. +297 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/chart/CropInsuranceBars.tsx
  25. +581 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/chart/CropInsuranceBubble.tsx
  26. +182 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/sideBar/ShortSideBar.tsx
  27. +42 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/sideBar/SideBarMenuItem.tsx
  28. +17 −0 src/components/cropinsurance/sideBar/Utils.tsx
  29. +250 −0 src/components/crp/CRPTotalMap.tsx
  30. +291 −0 src/components/crp/CRPTotalTable.tsx
  31. +324 −0 src/components/crp/CategoryMap.tsx
  32. +356 −0 src/components/crp/CategoryTable.tsx
  33. +130 −155 src/components/csp/CategoryMap.tsx
  34. +106 −67 src/components/csp/CategoryTable.tsx
  35. +151 −168 src/components/eqip/CategoryMap.tsx
  36. +72 −36 src/components/eqip/CategoryTable.tsx
  37. +0 −206 src/components/eqip/EQIPTotalMap.tsx
  38. +0 −192 src/components/eqip/EQIPTotalTable.tsx
  39. +583 −0 src/components/ira/IRADollarMap.tsx
  40. +527 −0 src/components/ira/IRADollarTable.tsx
  41. +157 −0 src/components/ira/IRAModal.tsx
  42. +608 −0 src/components/ira/IRAPercentageTable.tsx
  43. +515 −0 src/components/ira/IRAPredictedDollarTable.tsx
  44. +397 −0 src/components/ira/IRAPredictedMap.tsx
  45. +586 −0 src/components/ira/IRAPredictedPercentageTable.tsx
  46. +587 −0 src/components/ira/TabPanel.tsx
  47. +104 −0 src/components/issueWhitePaper/cardIframe.tsx
  48. +84 −0 src/components/issueWhitePaper/cardPaper.tsx
  49. +114 −99 src/components/{csp/CSPTotalMap.tsx → rcpp/RCPPTotalMap.tsx}
  50. +273 −0 src/components/rcpp/RCPPTotalTable.tsx
  51. +52 −10 src/components/shared/ConvertionFormats.tsx
  52. +23 −0 src/components/shared/CustomTab.tsx
  53. +20 −0 src/components/shared/DownloadIcon.tsx
  54. +132 −87 src/components/shared/DrawLegend.tsx
  55. +325 −0 src/components/shared/LandingPgaeTable.tsx
  56. +96 −0 src/components/shared/MapTooltip.tsx
  57. +25 −9 src/components/shared/NavSearchBar.tsx
  58. +16 −0 src/components/shared/TableCompareFunctions.tsx
  59. +24 −0 src/components/shared/WindowSizeHook.tsx
  60. +21 −0 src/components/shared/getCSVData.tsx
  61. +39 −0 src/components/shared/titleii/Interface.tsx
  62. +177 −0 src/components/shared/titleii/PracticeMethods.tsx
  63. +9 −0 src/components/shared/titleii/PracticeNameMatch.tsx
  64. +439 −0 src/components/shared/titleii/TitleIIPracticeMap.tsx
  65. +534 −0 src/components/shared/titleii/TitleIIPracticeTable.tsx
  66. +2 −2 src/components/snap/SNAPBar.tsx
  67. +10 −4 src/components/snap/SNAPTable.tsx
  68. +395 −0 src/components/title1/Title1Map.tsx
  69. +790 −0 src/components/title1/Title1ProgramTable.tsx
  70. +413 −0 src/components/title1/Title1TreeMap.tsx
  71. +272 −0 src/components/title1/TreeMapSquares.tsx
  72. +170 −0 src/components/title1/sideBar/SideBar.tsx
  73. +48 −0 src/components/title1/sideBar/SideBarMenuItem.tsx
  74. +17 −0 src/components/title1/sideBar/Utils.tsx
  75. +0 −4,818 src/data/EQIP/EQIP_STATE_PERFORMANCE_DATA.json
  76. +0 −78 src/data/EQIP/EQIP_STATUTE_PERFORMANCE_DATA.json
  77. +0 −62 src/data/allstates.json
  78. +0 −61 src/data/stateCodes.json
  79. BIN src/files/Aleski_Thesis.pdf
  80. BIN src/files/issues/Know_the_Score.pdf
  81. BIN src/files/issues/What_Farmers_Stand.pdf
  82. +22 −1 src/main.tsx
  83. +184 −0 src/pages/ACEPPage.tsx
  84. +380 −0 src/pages/CRPPage.tsx
  85. +451 −112 src/pages/CSPPage.tsx
  86. +898 −0 src/pages/CropInsurancePage.tsx
  87. +467 −194 src/pages/EQIPPage.tsx
  88. +236 −0 src/pages/IRAPage.tsx
  89. +204 −0 src/pages/IssueWhitePaperPage.tsx
  90. +100 −56 src/pages/LandingPage.tsx
  91. +59 −0 src/pages/PolicyLab/PolicyLabPage.tsx
  92. +180 −0 src/pages/PolicyLab/Surface51SubPage.tsx
  93. +154 −0 src/pages/RCPPPage.tsx
  94. +265 −220 src/pages/SNAPPage.tsx
  95. +113 −0 src/pages/TitleIIPage.tsx
  96. +1,122 −0 src/pages/TitleIPage.tsx
  97. +19 −0 src/styles/cropinsurance.css
  98. +34 −0 src/styles/issueWhitePaper.css
  99. +4 −6 src/styles/map.css
  100. +82 −0 src/styles/subpage.css
  101. +6 −1 src/styles/table.css
  102. +5 −0 src/types/index.d.ts
  103. +26 −0 src/utils/apiutil.tsx
  104. +71 −3 src/utils/legendConfig.json
  105. +32 −47 webpack.common.js
  106. +22 −1
  107. +20 −0
256 changes: 253 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,22 +4,246 @@ All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [0.5.1] - 2023-05-30
## [1.5.0] - 2024-12-10

### Changed
- Changed all 'grey' word of the site into 'gray' to accommodate US language practice [#341](
- Changed comma-handled multi-practice selecting query to delimiter-handled query for EQIP and CSP total page selector [#344](

### Fixed
- Fixed the bug where the map tips lagged in rendering HTML code and processing styles on the EQIP and CSO total page [#345](

## [1.4.0] - 2024-11-26

### Added
- Add selector to the EQIP and CSO total page for users to select the program and get the total amount of the selected programs in both the map and the table [#329](
- Add table column pagination to the EQIP and CSO total page to allow users to navigate through the table columns [#331](

## [1.3.0] - 2024-11-04

### Changed
- Updated the front-end code to fit the new landing page data from database [#334](

## [1.2.0] - 2024-10-24

### Added
- Add selector to the landing page total map for users to select the program they want to see and get the total amount of the selected programs in the map [#317](

## [1.1.0] - 2024-10-04

### Changed
- Updated the CRP page to use the latest data structure from the API endpoint [#320](
- Updated the ACEP and RCPP page to use the latest data from the API endpoint [#322](
- Updated the Crop Insurance page to use the latest data from the API endpoint [#324](
- Replaced the treemap on the ACEP page with the table [#325](

## [1.0.5] - 2024-08-28

### Added
- Added the CSP session to the IRA page [#299](
- Improved the map legend to cover more maps on the IRA page [#313](

## [1.0.4] - 2024-08-16

### Added
- Added the top info session for IRA page [#309](
- Added "Other CSP" statues and related categories to the CSP pages [#303](
- Added null value handling for the latest CSP data [#301](

### Changed
- Changed the "Other Improvement" in the EQIP page categories to "Other Improvements" [#311](
- Updated CSP category list to match latest data [#305](
- Updated the color legends for the EQIP and CSP maps to match latest data [#304](

## [1.0.3] - 2024-08-01

### Fixed
- Block the EQIP IRA information modal from opening automatically when the page loads due to the size of the article's iframe. [#306](

## [1.0.2] - 2024-07-23

### Fixed
- Fixed the occasional bug where the IRA page failed to load because the summary data was not ready [#293](

## [1.0.1] - 2024-07-19

### Added
- Added the percentage display into the EQIP IRA map tips [#285](

### Changed
- Update the practice list to reflect current and predicted practices for EQIP IRA[#286](

### Fixed
- Fixed the NaN values in percentage table in the EQIP IRA page [#290](

## [1.0.0] - 2024-07-03

### Added
- Added the IRA page with the EQIP section to display 2023 data and predicted 2024-2031 data with total dollar amount and practice options [#268](

## [0.20.0] - 2024-06-03

### Changed
- Updated landing page map to reflect new top-line numbers [#272](

## [0.19.0] - 2024-05-09

### Added
- Added anchors to issues/white papers items for them to have a distinct url [#278](

## [0.18.0] - 2024-05-07

### Added
- Added a new white paper to the Issue/White Paper page [#262](

### Changed
- Removed the copyright section on the Policy Lab page [#263](
- Changed the '_' in the URLs of Issue/White Paper page and Policy Lab page to '-' [#266](

## [0.17.0] - 2024-04-09

### Added
- Added Predetermined Prediction (Policy Lab) page to include an iframe for Surface 51's model [#260](

## [0.16.0] - 2024-02-22

### Added
- Title I page added the total subsection based on the summary data for landing page [#239](
- Title II page added the total subsection based on the summary data for landing page [#253](
- Added sub title in nav bar for the Title I and Crop Insurance Page [#255](

### Changed
- Updated Title I, Title II and Crop Insurance pages to use new API endpoints [#249](
- Updated the SNAP page to use new API endpoints [#257](
- Revised the EQIP and CSP code to follow the same pattern as new pages, allowing `map` endpoint to retire [#249](
- Removed the 'Other Conservation' section out of Title II menu [#256](

### Fixed
- Removed the `$` in total policies earning premium section at the Crop Insurance page [#252](

## [0.15.0] - 2024-02-09

### Added
- Added `paymentPercentageNationwide` to Title I page map tooltips and tables [#238](

### Changed
- Changed 'Payments' to 'Benefits' for the Crop Insurance map on landing page [#240](
- Changed all 'Costs' for the SNAP program to 'Benefits' across the website [#241](
- Updated Title I page to use the revised API endpoints [#243](

## [0.14.0] - 2024-01-17

### Changed
- Based on the usability testing result, adjusted all tables to have a similar header style[#233](
- Based on the usability testing result, adjusted the pie chart color at Conservation pages[#230](
- Based on the usability testing result, adjusted the side menu style at Conservation pages[#229](
- Based on the usability testing result, adjusted tooltip styles for all maps [#232](

### Fixed
- Fixed the loss ratio representation at crop insurance page [#225](
- Changed Google Analytics plugin from `react-ga` module to script and use webpack environmental variable to config [#226](

## [0.13.0] - 2023-12-14

### Added
- Added Google Analytics using `react-ga` module to page router [#217](

### Changed
- Updated all maps to show exact number of dollars instead of rounding units to the nearest million [#137](
- Replaced the arrow of table to Material UI icons to show in Linux browser[#151](

## [0.12.0] - 2023-11-17

### Added
- Add the issue release/white paper page [#210](
- Add iFrame component to the release/white paper page [#214](

## [0.11.0] - 2023-11-08

### Added
- Dairy Margin Coverage page and Supplemental Agricultural Disaster Assistance page with corresponding components for their attributes [#206](

### Changed
- Optimize webpack config to save docker building time [#203](
- Change PDL logo to use the new design [#209](

## [0.10.0] - 2023-10-17

### Added
- ACEP page and corresponding components for its attributes [#200](
- RCPP page and corresponding components for its attributes [#196](

### Changed
- Reverse some unnecessary changes in EQIP, CSP and CRP table [#199](

### Fixed
- Adjust program drawer to remove over-length scroll bar in Chrome/Firefox [#198](

## [0.9.0] - 2023-09-18

### Added
- CRP page and corresponding components for its attributes [#170](

### Changed
- Replace the color legends on the EQIP, CSP, and CRP pages with the customized scheme [189](
- Adjusted the menu height of CRP page on small screen [#190](

### Fixed
- The tables for Title II shows right most column in any screen size [#192](

## [0.8.0] - 2023-09-06

### Added
- Add Crop Insurance page and corresponding components for its attributes [#125](
- Added Average Insured Area In Acres sub-page to Crop Insurance pages [#183](

### Changed
- Use different title equations for the bar charts in pages under the Net Farmer Benefit section [#179](
- Adjusted font size of chart headers on Crop Insurance page [#182](
- Adjusted '$' sign for some sub-pages of Crop Insurance page [#184](
- Adjusted menu height of Crop Insurance page [#185](
- Added explanation to the Insured Acres subpage of Crop Insurance page [#186](

## [0.7.0] - 2023-08-22

### Changed
- Landing page clean up for use API endpoint by removing redundant calls [#148](
- CSP page uses API endpoint instead of local json file [#149](
- SNAP page landing page uses API endpoint following the pattern in Landing Page [#166](
- Updated the year related labels on landing page and title 1 page to reflect changes of new title 1 API [#168](
- Updated the landing page map tab to include a label to explain that the top-line numbers are not finalized [#171](
- Added '(Numbers have not yet been finalized)' label on landing page top line tab and updated several details on Title 1 page [#172](
- Changed the "Total Commodities Programs" on the Title I page menu to "Total Commodities Programs, Subtitle A" [#176](

## [0.6.0] - 2023-07-18

### Added
- Add Title 1 page and corresponding components for the Conservation Programs [#126](

### Changed
- EQIP page updated to use the data from API endpoint [#132](
- Reverse the 'm' back to 'k' in the data formatting function for thousands [#145](
- Add `$` sign to the beginning of legend bar on landing page [#141](
- Add search bar area and update color theme of EQIP and CSP pages
- Update Title 1 navigation bar title [#156](
- Add year to the titles of map in the EQIP page and CSP page [#158](
- Remove the arrow in navigation search bar [#159](

## [0.5.1] - 2023-05-30

### Changed
- Change the format of negative values in landing page maps' tips and legend bar to fit client's request
- Modify the title of each map's tip to match each program

## [0.5.0] - 2023-05-26

### Added

- Add dynamic color bar for landing page and SNAP page [#121](
- New GitHub issue templates. [#127](

### Changed

- Landing page maps & tabs use api endpoints instead of local json files [#110](
- Add crop insurance tab back to landing page [#130](
- Removed the duplicate 'AllProgramMap' component on the landing page. Instead, modified the 'LandingPageMap' component to include the all-program map
@@ -95,6 +319,32 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Map data json [#12](
- Final landing page changes for initial milestone [#15](
