Here is the opinionated list of differences of resource provisioning tools
You can get Terraform from
We can use Terraform and target different cloud providers with the same syntax
We can validate and see changes before actually execute them
Not every resource can be provisioned just by Terraform, we need to include ARM Templates to do that
Terraform uses Providers to support different cloud providers and usually Providers get updates few versions/months behind from ARM Template or Azure CLI
Terraform providers doesn't support all features we can do with ARM Templates or Azure CLI
It's not easy if possible to run scripts and use the output of the script at the decision points (run this script, if the output is 1 then provision these resources)
Dependency on external storage to persist states
It requires to learn and utilize new language called HCL (Hashicorp Configuration Language)
Not every resource can be provisioned just by Terraform
We need to have a machine to invoke Terraform scripts
ARM Templates are actually JSON formatted documents
ARM Templates are behind almost every deployment scenario to Azure (Azure CLI and PowerShell Modules use it behind the scenes)
Every ARM Template deployment is idempotent
It's hard to create ARM Template files
JSON files are not best in terms of readibility and maintainability
JSON files can't have comments, so it's not easy to explain why some piece of JSON is there
Not everthing can be provisioned/configured via ARM Templates
You can download Azure CLI from
It's very good in terms of readibility and maintainability
It's so easy to have decision points, loops, etc.
Azure CLI is cross-platform
You have to manage resource dependencies (create Virtual Network first then the Virtual Gateway)
It's hard to have syntax check and validation of the scripts