#This is code for the stream. You can watch it live here.
f(x) = y, g(y) = x
#Hash Function
f(data) = code
Doesn't exist: g(code) = data
Collision: f(x1) = y, f(x2) = y, x1 != x2
Probably: f(x1) = y, f(x2) = y, x1 = x2
Guarantied: f(x1) = y, f(x2) = z, y != z, x1 != x2
f(data, key) = cryptotext
Doesn't exist or too expensive:
g(cryptotext) = data
g(cryptotext, data) = key
good encryption
#Asymmetric encryption
f(data, publicKey) = cryptotext
g(cryptotext, privateKey) = data
#Digital Sign
f(data, privateKey) = cryptotext
g(cryptotext, publicKey) = data
=> is was encrpyted by private key
##Verify Identity
Alice: Encrypt this, please - randomHash
Bob: f(randomHash, privateKey) = cryptotext
Alice: g(cryptotext, publicKey) = randomHash => It is definitely Bob
- block(parentHash, data)
block(null, data1)
block(hash(data1), data2)
block(hash(hash(data1) + data2), data3)
block(hash(hash(hash(data1) + data2) + data3, data4)
- Address is public key
- Address owner holds privateKey
From // Sender's publicKey
To // Receiver's publicKey
Sign // Sign(From + To + Ammount, Senders privateKey)
###Verify Transaction
- From is the owner of asset at the current state of chain
- Transaction is signed by From's privateKey