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BIP 1: Jury Based Moderation Platform

Andy Oknen edited this page Mar 6, 2023 · 1 revision

Stage 1:

Create a flag transation wtih 4 types or flags:

  1. Pornography
  2. Pedophilia - any even remotely suggestive images/videos/texts with children or adolescents
  3. Direct threat of violence
  4. Illegal narcotics - any positive or promotion of illegal narcotics
  5. Copyrighted content (with clear proof from the owner)

Stage 2:

We are assuming that there are two levels of high reputation users: SuperTops (rep>1K and more than 1 year on the platform) and Mods.

Module 1: Flags

We create a special transaction called Flag a user. Tops and Mods can flag any user. Flag has to specify one of the following reasons:

Pornography Child exploitation Direct Threat of Violence Promotion of illegal narcotics Copyright violation (with proof from the owner)

Also, a flag contains the specific illegal post or comment of the user plus additional info (proof that item is copyrighted and that the owner is complaining)

Module 2: Jury

When there are more than X flags for user in Y blocks, we use the hash of the previous block to run a lottery on the blockchain. Lottery chooses N mods with public addresses closest to the hash of the previous block. We also set a quorum L<N, where L is enough Mods in the jury to render a decision. *Note that for trial users numbers X and N will be significantly lower and they will be banned much quicker.

Each Mod that is N mods chosen receives a notification about being selected for a jury on the special user. They click on notification and it opens in a special window the illegal post or comment, along with the reason the user was flagged. Mod has two choices Confirm Flag or No Offense

If all mods agree on Confirm Flag, the user gets a 4 week ban from posting, all nodes should reject transactions from user.

After three months, the user can be subject to another jury (second jury cannot contain any members from the first one) and if “convicted” the second time, a forever ban is instituted. The ban does not affect the PKOIN in the account, only social network privileges.

*for trial accounts, the first conviction will ban forever If at least one Mod disagrees, then nothing happens and the user is immune from jury for three months. If a Mod votes 5 times in a row or 5 times within 1 month as a single dissenting voice, the Mod loses Mod privileges. *yes, this is controversial, but the rules of Bastyon are very simple and likelihood of being a single dissenting voice of integrity are very low for 5 votes. *we an add other rules for Mod who abuses moderation with clever strategies, to prevent such gaming

Details of the mechanics: -Jury is called when there are 20 flags of any one kind over the past 30 days (43200 blocks) -80 jury members are called based on the pseudo-random selection (txid of the 20th flag tx is hashed and compared to pubkey, 80 nearest are chosen from mods)

  • Conviction requires 8 unanimous votes. Consequences as follows: 1st conviction is 1 month block (43200 blocks) ** if user has more than 1000 followers, then this is shortened to two weeks, if >2k followers, then 1 week** 2nd conviction is 3 month block (129600 blocks) 3rd conviction is 100 years) (51840000) *Jury continues and notifications to those who are non-voters are sent continuously until 8 votes happen *Author needs to be notified that jury is out *If a second conviction is less than 2 weeks from one month i.e. 1 1/2 months from the first, then third ban is instituted immediately

TECHNICAL DETAILS: Front end has following APIs done:

  • get all active juries for a moderator
  • for each active jury, you will get of a post, comment or a profile that is the subject of the jury
  • get info on current blocks in the system

In Progress:

  • Add info about the block to the profile


  • Receive notification that user is a member of a jury
  • Create a separate page where all juries for a given user are shown
  • Each jury has the offending material, all explanations, status of the vote and a choice YES or NO

Stage 3: Appointments (this will diversify moderator pool) Where do Moderators come from? Total # of moderators=# of SuperTops * 3 1/3 SuperTops (rep>1K and more than 2 years on the platform) 1/3 appointed by bloggers, proportional to active followers (defined by number of followers who commented at least 3 posts in the last 3 months) 1/3 appointed nodes (addresses) which held PKOIN more than 1 year *bloggers and nodes have a way to track what their appontees