The terminal emulator on Web browser.
These images are based by xterm.js.
docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 -d poad/web-terminal:_tag_
The base image for each images by xtermjs.
The JShell by AdoptOpenJDK 11 Hostspot VM.
The JShell by AdoptOpenJDK 11 Hostspot VM with jshell-gradle-plugin.
The JShell by AdoptOpenJDK 11 Hostspot VM with jshell-maven-plugin.
The sbt console.
The Rust REPL by Evcxr REPL
The Swift REPL.
Warning: swift repl require privileged option.
docker run --rm -it -p 3000:3000 --privileged -d poad/web-terminal:swift
The TypeScript REPL by ts-node
日本語版のmacOSの場合、英数字入力モードではキー入力を受け付けてくれないようです。 解決方法などは下記をご参照ください。