A small JavaScript library to switch the protocol of a given site address from HTTP to HTTPS or vice versa.
Protocol Switching: Seamlessly switch the protocol of a given site address from HTTP to HTTPS or vice versa.
Browser Compatibility: Particularly useful for sites that require HTTP to function correctly, especially as modern browsers increasingly enforce HTTPS.
Callback Execution: Execute a specified callback function once the desired protocol has been successfully loaded.
Protocol Enforcement: Ensure your site consistently uses either HTTP or HTTPS as needed
(string): The site address to switch the protocol for. Defaults to the current window site address if left blank.httpToHttps
(boolean): Whether to switch from HTTP to HTTPS. Default is true.callback
(Function): The callback function to execute after switching the protocol. Default is an empty function.
Changes the protocol of the site address.
Checks the current protocol and switches if necessary.
const sp = new SwitchHTTPProtocol({
httpToHttps: true, // Use HTTPS Protocol
callback: () => {
console.log("Protocol switched successfully.");
/* Or */
const constructorObject = {
httpToHttps: true, // Use HTTPS Protocol
callback: () => callback: () => {
console.log("Protocol switched successfully");
const sp = new SwitchHTTPProtocol(constructorObject);
const sp = new SwitchHTTPProtocol({
siteAddress: "example.com",
httpToHttps: false, // use HTTP protocol
callback: () => {
console.log("Protocol switched successfully.");
/* Or */
const constructorObject = {
siteAddress: "example.com",
httpToHttps: false, // use HTTP protocol
callback: () => {
console.log("Protocol switched successfully");
const sp = new SwitchHTTPProtocol(constructorObject);