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Monthly Update 2015 March

Bert Jansen edited this page Mar 6, 2015 · 5 revisions

The Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices project was announced at the end of July 2014 and there has been tremendous interest for the project since, which we truly appreciate! We have received lots of valuable contributions from the community and input on the overall planning. This wiki page is collecting the highlights from the past month.

We will also cover the details of the latest release during our March community call on Tuesday March 10th. If you are interested on seeing some of the new samples in action and hear about the future then feel free to join that call.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please participate in our discussions in the Office 365 Patterns and Practices Yammer group at We already have close to 2000 members in this group with lively discussions on different app model related topics.


This package contains 🎉 v1.0 version of the PnP core component 🎂

As announced in previous community calls this version is cleaned from obsolete methods.

Latest changes


  • PnP Core: Lots of re-factoring done to improve code quality and completeness:
    • Timer job engine is part of the PnP Core. Extensive documentation can be found here
    • Updated logging implementation...based on Trace class
    • Search extensions that support configuring the search center and importing/exporting search settings
    • Support for setting variations settings and for creating variation labels
    • Support for setting JSLink on a list
    • Support for removing taxonomy fields and their associated hidden fields
    • Navigation extensions now supports search navigation
    • Language neutral handling of error messages
    • Send email can now also use the CSOM SendEmail method
    • CreateTaxonomyField now correctly set the ShowField property
    • CheckIn and CheckOut methods are more resilient
    • Both PnP Core Nuget packages (cloud and on-premises) have been also updated accordingly.
  • New sample Provisioning.Cloud.Async.WebJob demonstrates how to build an asynchronous self-service site collection provisioning solution using Azure Storage Queues and Azure WebJobs.
  • New sample Core.QueueWebJobUsage shows how to perform operations on-demand with Azure WebJobs as continuously running operation, which will handle incoming requests from message queue.
  • New sample Core.AppEvents shows how to implement handlers for the AppInstalled and AppUninstalling events that:
    • Incorporate rollback logic if the handler encounters an error.
    • Incorporate "already done" logic to accommodate the fact that SharePoint retries the handler up to three more times if it fails or takes more than 30 seconds to complete.
  • New sample Core.AppEvents.HandlerDelegation shows how to implement handlers for the AppInstalled and AppUninstalling events that:
    • Incorporate rollback logic if the handler encounters an error.
    • Incorporate "already done" logic to accommodate the fact that SharePoint retries the handler up to three more times if it fails or takes more than 30 seconds to complete.
    • Use the handler delegation strategy to minimize calls from the handler web service to SharePoint.
    • Use the CSOM classes ExceptionHandlingScope and ConditionalScope.
  • New sample Core.SiteInformation shows information about the current site collection with a "Site Information" custom action menu item.
  • New sample Provisioning.Cloud.Workflow shows how to use a workflow to provision a SharePoint site by using the remote provisioning pattern and CSOM triggered from the host web. This sample was ported from the MSDN code gallery.
  • New sample Provisioning.Cloud.Workflow.AppWeb shows how to use a workflow to provision a SharePoint site by using the remote provisioning pattern and CSOM triggered from the app web. This sample was ported from the MSDN code gallery.
  • New sample Provisioning.Batch demonstrates how to create a console app that provisions a batch of site collections by using the CSOM and the app model. This sample was ported from the MSDN code gallery.
  • Updated sample Core.LargeFileUpload now shows how to large file upload by uploading the file in parts. There's also a table giving an overview of the various upload methods and guidance on when to use which one
  • Updated sample Office365Api.Overview has been extended with a ASP.Net forms sample
  • Updated component Core.TaxonomyPicker now can better handle large termsets + only loads the language resource file once if there are multiple instances on the same page. Overall a nice performance improvement.
  • New solution Core.TimerJobs.Samples shows how you can use the PnP Core timer job framework to create your own timer jobs. 10 different timer job samples will explain you the ins and outs of the PnP Core timer job framework
  • Updated solution PowerShell.Commands with additional commands and various other updates. See the changelog of the PowerShell solution for more details. Next to that the individual commands now have documentation in the MD format.
  • All solutions and scenarios have been checked for obsolete PnP Core method usage and have been fixed when applicable
  • Updated the v15 CSOM assemblies with the February CU updates
  • Updated February community call presentation with latest version
  • New Community Information folder for PnP community presentations

PnP Guidance articles

A new PnP Guidance repository has been setup for working on articles. Part of these articles are already available on MSDN and more will follow. Everyone can update these articles via updating them in github and the changes will flow back to MSDN once the synchronization setup has been completed.

There's already a significant amount of articles that has been added to the PnP MSDN node at

Key contributors for the March 2015 release

Here’s the list of most activate contributors (in alphabetical order) during the month February. We are looking forward to continue working with such a talent and hope to get more additional people involved on this joint effort to help the community in the transition towards Office 365 and SharePoint app model techniques.

Thank you for your assistance and contributions from the behalf of the community. You are making a difference!

Here’s the list of Microsoft people who have been closely involved on the PnP work during last month.

  • Antons Mislevics (Microsoft)
  • Bert Jansen (Microsoft) - @O365Bert
  • Brian Michely (Microsoft) - @brianmichely
  • Dan Budimir (Microsoft)
  • Frank Chen (Microsoft)
  • Frank Marasco (Microsoft) - @frank_marasco
  • Jeremy Thake (Microsoft) - @jthake
  • Kiki Shuxteau (Microsoft)
  • Laura Graham (Microsoft)
  • Reeza Ali (Microsoft)
  • Ricky Kirkham (Microsoft)
  • Ron Tielke (Microsoft)
  • Sami Nieminen (Microsoft)
  • Steve Walker (Microsoft) - @sharepointing
  • Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft) - @vesajuvonen

Latest statistics

Here's some statistics from the PnP repository. It's great to see for example how our punch card looks like, since it proofs that this is truly a global effort with contributions 24/7.



Punch Card

See About Repository Graphs for more details on above statistics.

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