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Monthly Update 2014 December

Vesa Juvonen edited this page Oct 26, 2016 · 8 revisions

Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices project was announced on end of July 2014 and there has been tremendous interest for the project since, which has been great. We have received lot of valuable contributions from community and input on the overall planning. This wiki page is collecting the highlights from past month.

We will also Cover the details on the latest release during our December community call on Tuesday 16th of December. If you are intrested on seeing some of the new samples live and hear about the future, join on that call.

If you have any questions, comments or feedback, please join the latest discussions from the SharePoint Developer Group at Microsoft Tech Community. We have already more than 1300 other members in this group with lively discussion on different app model practices.

Both PnP Core Nuget packages (cloud and on-prem) have been also updated accordingly.

Latest changes

  • PnP Core: Lots of refactoring done to improve code quality and completeness. Field creation now works with entity classess instead of a long list of parameters, several taxonomy related updates have been added and support for dealing with the site lockstate has been added
  • New sample Core.Throttling shows how to handle server throttling from CSOM
  • New sample Workflow.Activities SharePoint app workflow sample that shows how custom workflow activities can be created and used
  • New sample Workflow.CustomTasks shows how to create a workflow that uses custom forms for workflow association and for processing tasks
  • New sample UserProfile.Manipulation.CSOM.Console how a Tenant Administrator can manipulate user profile properties of the users in a Tenant using Client Side Object Model (CSOM)
  • Updated sample Core.MMSSync now supports all term, termset and group change types, support for multiple languages, hierarchical termsets and term properties
  • Updated sample Core.JavaScriptInjection has improved handling for MDS sites
  • Extended solution PowerShell.Commands Additional commands + installer updates

Key contributors for the December 2014 release

Here’s the list of most activate contributors (in alphabetical order) during the month November. We are looking forward to continue working with such a talent and hope to get more additional people involved on this joint effort to help the community in the transition towards Office 365 and SharePoint app model techniques.

Thank you for your assistance and contributions from the behalf of the community. You are making a difference!

Here’s the list of Microsoft people who have been closely involved on the PnP work during last month.

Latest statistics

Here's some statistics from the PnP repository. It's great to see for example how our punch card looks like, since it proofs that this is truly a global effort with contributions 24/7.



Punch Card

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