git clone
cd insteon-mqtt
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-test.txt
The main development is done on the dev
branch. Stable releases are
on the master branch. Do NOT submit pull requests against the master
branch. Be sure to checkout the dev branch and base all pull requests
against that.
All of the code must follow pep8 style and be checked with flake8 and pylint. These must be run from the top level directory of the repository.
flake8 ./insteon_mqtt pylint ./insteon_mqtt
Classes, functions, and methods must be documented with Python docstrings in the Google style. Look at existing code if you need an example. Future versions will include a sphinx generated HTML documentation build.
Unit tests should be added in the tests directory and run before submitting any code. The goal should be 100% code coverage (I'm still working on this one myself).
Tests can be executing by running pytest
from the top directory. To run a
single test, pass the file name to pytest on the command line.
pytest tests/
# Show log messages while testing
pytest -s -vv --log-cli-level=10 tests/mqtt/
Coverage testing shows which lines needs to have test cases added and can be
run with the --cov flag. The html option will create an htmlcov
that contains html files that graphically show which lines need to have tests
# Show lines that need coverage
pytest --cov=insteon_mqtt --cov-report term-missing
# Create html files that show missing lines
pytest --cov=insteon_mqtt --cov-report html