CodePen extension for Kirby 2 (fork of Kirbytext CodePen tag by ClementRoy)
This extension for Kirby 2 enables you to easily embed CodePen ‘Pens’ into your sites pages.
Your content can be made with Kirby and ❤ and CodePen!
Kirby 2 allows Kirbytext (Kirbys custom implementation of Mark Down) to be extended with custom ‘Kirbytags’. More about Kirbytags.
Sorry, not backwards compatible with Kirby 1. Kirbytext CodePen tag by ClementRoy is compatible. Kirby 3 compatible version is Kirby 3 CodePen embed by Texnixe
Place codepen.php
in your /site/tags/
folder, or create a ‘tags’ folder inside your site folder if one is not there.
Now in your content text files you can now use the new codepen tag:
This will embed the specified Pen using a default height and styled with the standard CodePen embed theme.
You can supply additional parameters in the tag to override the height (500 = 500px height embed) or type (html, css result displayed).
(codepen: height: 250 type: html)
You can specify an additional class which will apply to the CodePen iframe.
(codepen: class: picked-pen)
This should be considered for adding custom styles to specific Pens. To apply a theme to all Pens, see next section.
This is a more advanced option and not essential, CodePen embeds will use the default CodePen theme style by default. Changing the default theme requires editing codepen.php file directly
If you are a CodePen user, pen themes enable you to create a theme style for your embedded Pens.
You can find your Theme ID in the standard embed code from the ‘Share’ option in any Pen. Look for the data-theme-id
To change from the default CodePen theme to your personal embed theme, open site/tags/codepen.php
and edit the $theme = '';
value, to your theme (data-theme-id) value.
Note: Amending this value will change the theme of ALL your CodePen embeds using this Kirby extension.
These are optional and require manual coding for finer control for your pages embeds.
There is a list of embed override attributes on the CodePen site which can toggle additional embed functionality.
Update Updated to include new support for CodePen iframe classes see Parameters section or read about the class feature.
Update 2 Kirby 3 compatible version is kirby3-codepen by Texnixe.