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feat(data-sources): refactor usePlasmicDataOp hook and create usePlas…
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…micServerQuery hook

GitOrigin-RevId: 73bf5d74582f120bdd4e4ea914d5810864d69f27
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IcaroG authored and actions-user committed Feb 17, 2025
1 parent c63efb7 commit fd6695b
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Showing 8 changed files with 465 additions and 321 deletions.
26 changes: 20 additions & 6 deletions packages/data-sources/api/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,16 @@ export type BaseFieldConfig = {
fieldId?: string;

// @public
export interface ClientQueryResult<T = any> {
data?: T;
error?: any;
isLoading?: boolean;
paginate?: Pagination;
schema?: TableSchema;
total?: number;

// @public (undocumented)
export interface DataOp {
// (undocumented)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,7 +57,7 @@ export function deriveFieldConfigs<T extends BaseFieldConfig>(specifiedFieldsPar
export function executePlasmicDataOp<T extends SingleRowResult | ManyRowsResult>(op: DataOp, opts?: ExecuteOpts): Promise<T>;

// @public
export function executeServerQuery<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(serverQuery: ServerQuery<F>): Promise<ServerQueryResult<ReturnType<F>> | ServerQueryResult<{}>>;
export function executeServerQuery<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(serverQuery: ServerQuery<F>): Promise<ServerQueryResult<ReturnType<F> | {}>>;

// @public (undocumented)
export function Fetcher(props: FetcherProps): React_2.ReactElement | null;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,11 +125,13 @@ export type QueryResult = Partial<ManyRowsResult<any>> & {

// @public (undocumented)
export interface ServerQuery<F extends (...args: any[]) => any> {
export interface ServerQuery<F extends (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>> {
// (undocumented)
execParams: () => Parameters<F>;
// (undocumented)
fn: F;
// (undocumented)
id: string;

// @public (undocumented)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,14 +196,16 @@ export function usePlasmicDataMutationOp<T extends SingleRowResult | ManyRowsRes
export function usePlasmicDataOp<T extends SingleRowResult | ManyRowsResult, E = any>(dataOp: ResolvableDataOp, opts?: {
paginate?: Pagination;
noUndefinedDataProxy?: boolean;
}): Partial<T> & {
error?: E;
isLoading?: boolean;
}): ClientQueryResult<T["data"]>;

// @public
export function usePlasmicInvalidate(): (invalidatedKeys: string[] | null | undefined) => Promise<any[] | undefined>;

// @public (undocumented)
export function usePlasmicServerQuery<F extends (...args: any[]) => any>(serverQuery: ServerQuery<F>, fallbackData?: ReturnType<F>, opts?: {
noUndefinedDataProxy?: boolean;
}): Partial<ServerQueryResult<ReturnType<F>>>;

// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)

305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions packages/data-sources/src/common.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
import {
} from "@plasmicapp/query";
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-imports
import * as ph from "@plasmicapp/host";
import React from "react";
import { ClientQueryResult } from "./types";

interface PlasmicUndefinedDataErrorPromise extends Promise<any> {
plasmicType: "PlasmicUndefinedDataError";
message: string;

export function isPlasmicUndefinedDataErrorPromise(
x: any
): x is PlasmicUndefinedDataErrorPromise {
return (
!!x &&
typeof x === "object" &&
x?.plasmicType === "PlasmicUndefinedDataError"

export function mkUndefinedDataProxy(
promiseRef: { fetchingPromise: Promise<any> | undefined },
fetchAndUpdateCache: (() => Promise<any>) | undefined
) {
let fetchAndUpdatePromise: Promise<any> | undefined = undefined;

return new Proxy(
get: (_target, prop) => {
if (prop === "isPlasmicUndefinedDataProxy") {
return true;

if (!fetchAndUpdateCache) {
// There's no key so no fetch to kick off yet; when computing key,
// we encountered some thrown exception (that's not an undefined data promise),
// and so we can't fetch yet. This might be dependent on a $state or $prop value
// that's currently undefined, etc. We will act like an undefined data object,
// and trigger the usual fallback behavior
return undefined;

const doFetchAndUpdate = () => {
// We hold onto the promise last returned by fetchAndUpdateCache()
// and keep reusing it until it is resolved. The reason is that the
// Promise thrown here will be used as a dependency for memoized
// fetchAndUpdateCache, which is a dependency on the memoized returned value
// from usePlasmicDataOp(). If we have a fetch that's taking a long time,
// we want to make sure that our memoized returned value is stable,
// so that we don't keep calling setDollarQueries() (otherwise, for each
// render, we find an unstable result, and call setDollarQueries(),
// resulting in an infinite loop while fetch is happening).
if (!fetchAndUpdatePromise) {
fetchAndUpdatePromise = fetchAndUpdateCache().finally(() => {
fetchAndUpdatePromise = undefined;
return fetchAndUpdatePromise;

const promise =
// existing fetch
promiseRef.fetchingPromise ||
// No existing fetch, so kick off a fetch
(promise as any).plasmicType = "PlasmicUndefinedDataError";
(promise as any).message = `Cannot read property ${String(
)} - data is still loading`;
throw promise;
) as any;

const isRSC = (React as any).isRSC;
const reactMajorVersion = +React.version.split(".")[0];
const enableLoadingBoundaryKey = "plasmicInternalEnableLoadingBoundary";

* Fetches can be kicked off two ways -- normally, by useSWR(), or by some
* expression accessing the `$queries.*` proxy when not ready yet. We need
* a global cache for proxy-invoked caches, so that different components
* with the same key can share the same fetch.
* The life cycle for this cache is short -- only the duration of a
* proxy-invoked fetch, and once the fetch is done. That's because we really
* just want SWR to be managing the cache, not us! Once the data is in SWR,
* we will use SWR for getting data.
const PRE_FETCHES = new Map<string, Promise<any>>();

export function usePlasmicFetch<T, R, E = any>(
key: string | null,
resolvedParams: any,
fetcherFn: (resolvedParam: any) => Promise<T>,
resultMapper: (
result: ReturnType<typeof useMutablePlasmicQueryData<T, E>>
) => ClientQueryResult<R>,
undefinedDataProxyFields: ("data" | "schema" | "error")[],
opts: {
fallbackData?: T;
noUndefinedDataProxy?: boolean;
) {
const enableLoadingBoundary = !!ph.useDataEnv?.()?.[enableLoadingBoundaryKey];
const { mutate, cache } = isRSC
? ({} as any as Partial<ReturnType<typeof usePlasmicDataConfig>>)
: usePlasmicDataConfig();
// Cannot perform this operation
const isNullParams = !resolvedParams;
// This operation depends on another data query to resolve first
const isWaitingOnDependentQuery =
const fetchingData = React.useMemo(
() => ({
fetchingPromise: undefined as Promise<T> | undefined,
const fetcher = React.useMemo(
() => () => {
// If we are in this function, that means SWR cache missed.
if (!key) {
throw new Error(`Fetcher should never be called without a proper key`);

// dataOp is guaranteed to be a DataOp, and not an undefined promise or null

if (fetchingData.fetchingPromise) {
// Fetch is already underway from this hook
return fetchingData.fetchingPromise;

if (key && PRE_FETCHES.has(key)) {
// Some other usePlasmicDataOp() hook elsewhere has already
// started this fetch as well; re-use it here.
const existing = PRE_FETCHES.get(key) as Promise<T>;
fetchingData.fetchingPromise = existing;
return existing;

// Else we really need to kick off this fetch now...
const fetcherPromise = fetcherFn(resolvedParams);
fetchingData.fetchingPromise = fetcherPromise;
if (key) {
PRE_FETCHES.set(key, fetcherPromise);
// Once we have a result, we rely on swr to perform the caching,
// so remove from our cache as quickly as possible.
() => {
() => {
return fetcherPromise;
[key, fetchingData]

const dependentKeyDataErrorPromise = isPlasmicUndefinedDataErrorPromise(
? resolvedParams
: undefined;
const fetchAndUpdateCache = React.useMemo(() => {
if (!key && !dependentKeyDataErrorPromise) {
// If there's no key, and no data query we're waiting for, then there's
// no way to perform a fetch
return undefined;
return () => {
// This function is called when the undefined data proxy is invoked.
// USUALLY, this means the data is not available in SWR yet, and
// we need to kick off a fetch.

if (fetchingData.fetchingPromise) {
// No need to update cache as the exist promise call site will do it
return fetchingData.fetchingPromise;

if (dependentKeyDataErrorPromise) {
// We can't actually fetch yet, because we couldn't even evaluate the dataOp
// to fetch for, because we depend on unfetched data. Once _that_
// dataOp we depend on is finished, then we can try again. So we
// will throw and wait for _that_ promise to be resolved instead.
return dependentKeyDataErrorPromise;

if (!key) {
throw new Error(`Expected key to be non-null`);

// SOMETIMES, SWR actually _does_ have the cache, but we still end up
// here. That's because of how we update $queries, which takes two
// cycles; each time we render, we build a `new$Queries`, and
// `set$Queries(new$Queries)`. So once the data is ready, at the
// first render, we will have data in `new$Queries` but not `$queries`,
// but we will still finish rendering that pass, which means any `$queries`
// access will still end up here. So we look into the SWR cache and
// return any data that's here.
const cached = cache?.get(key);
if (cached) {
return Promise.resolve(cached);
const cachedError = cache?.get(`$swr$${key}`);
if (cachedError) {
return Promise.reject(cachedError.error);

// Now, upon this proxy.get() miss, we want to kick off the fetch. We can't
// wait for useSWR() to kick off the fetch, because upon data miss we are
// throwing a promise, and useSWR() won't kick off the fetch till the effect,
// so it will never get a chance to fetch. Instead, we fetch, and then we
// put the fetched data into the SWR cache, so that next time useSWR() is called,
// it will just find it in the cache.
// However, we don't want to fetch SYNCHRONOUSLY RIGHT NOW, becase we are in
// the rendering phase (presumably, we're here because some component is trying
// to read fetched data while rendering). Doing a fetch right now would invoke
// the fetcher, which is wrapped by @plasmicapp/query to tracking loading state,
// and upon loading state toggled to true, it will fire loading event listeners,
// and for example, our antd's <GlobalLoadingIndicator /> will listen to this
// event and immediately ask antd to show the loading indicator, which mutates
// antd component's state. It is NOT LEGAL to call setState() on some other
// component's state during rendering phase!
// We therefore will delay kicking off the fetch by a tick, so that we will safely
// start the fetch outside of React rendering phase.
const fetcherPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
fetcher().then(resolve, reject);
}, 1);
if (!isRSC) {
.then((data) => {
// Insert the fetched data into the SWR cache
mutate?.(key, data);
.catch((err) => {
// Cache the error here to avoid infinite loop
const keyInfo = key ? "$swr$" + key : "";
cache?.set(keyInfo, { ...(cache?.get(keyInfo) ?? {}), error: err });
return fetcherPromise;
}, [fetcher, fetchingData, cache, key, dependentKeyDataErrorPromise]);
const res = useMutablePlasmicQueryData<T, E>(key, fetcher, {
fallbackData: opts?.fallbackData,
shouldRetryOnError: false,

// If revalidateIfStale is true, then if there's a cache entry with a key,
// but no mounted hook with that key yet, and when the hook mounts with the key,
// swr will revalidate. This may be reasonable behavior, but for us, this
// happens all the time -- we prepopulate the cache with proxy-invoked fetch,
// sometimes before swr had a chance to run the effect. So we turn off
// revalidateIfStale here, and just let the user manage invalidation.
revalidateIfStale: false,
const { data, error, isLoading } = res;
if (fetchingData.fetchingPromise != null && data !== undefined) {
// Clear the fetching promise as the actual data is now used (so
// revalidation is possible)
fetchingData.fetchingPromise = undefined;

return React.useMemo(() => {
const result = resultMapper(res);
if (
!opts?.noUndefinedDataProxy &&
reactMajorVersion >= 18 &&
enableLoadingBoundary &&
(isLoading || isNullParams || isWaitingOnDependentQuery) &&
undefinedDataProxyFields.every((field) => result[field] === undefined)
) {
undefinedDataProxyFields.forEach((field) => {
if (field === "error") {
result[field] = mkUndefinedDataProxy(fetchingData, fetchAndUpdateCache);
return result;
}, [

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