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B+-Forest is an ordered index for Processing-In-Memory (PIM) architectures. It is implemented for UPMEM, a practical PIM architecture. B+-Forest is based on many B+-trees and aims to handle data skew by migrating hot B+-trees from DPU to CPU.

Code Structure


Source codes and header files for the DPUs.

dpumain.c: Main function for the DPU application. It handles invocation by the host application.

bplustree.*: Implementation of B+-tree.

cabin.*: Handling B+-tree node allocations.

merge_phase.*: Handling merge for balancing MRAM comsumption after deletion.

split_phase.*: Handling split for balancing MRAM comsumption after insertion.


Source codes and header files for the host CPU.

host.cpp: Main function for the CPU application.

emulation.hpp: Emulation of DPUs.

host_data_structures.hpp: Data structures used in CPU application.

migraiton.*: Functions for migrating B+-trees.

node_defs.hpp: Definitions of B+-tree.

statictics.hpp: Experiment stats collection.

upmem.*: Handling communications with DPUs.

utils.hpp: Other functions for convenience.


Header files for both the CPU and DPUs.

common.h: Configurations of data structures and Macros.

workload_types.h: Type difinitions for workload.


External libraries.

cmdline: command line parser for C++.

Requirements and Building

B+-Forest can be runned in the UPMEM machine or the simulator provided in UPMEM SDK, or the emulator we implemented. You need to install UPMEM SDK unless you use the UPMEM machine. You can install UPMEM SDK at any directory as follows in Ubuntu 20.04.

mkdir upmem-sdk
cd upmem-sdk
tar -xvf upmem-2021.4.0-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
source ./upmem-2021.4.0-Linux-x86_64/

We use CMake to build B+-Forest.

To build the project, run follow commands on the root of the cloned repository,

cmake -S . -B ./build -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="(FLAGS_HOST)" -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="(FLAGS_DPU)=(Value)"
cmake --build ./build

or run

bash ./scripts/

for a quick build.

Here are the list of arguments that can be specified in building host binary (FLAGS_HOST).

FLAGS_HOST Description Example
-mcmodel Specify the memory model -mcmodel=large to use > 2GB global variable This is MANDATORY for build.
-DHOST_MULTI_THREAD Specify the number of threads in the CPU application -DHOST_MULTI_THREAD=1
-DMEASURE_XFER_BYTES Measure bytes transferred between the CPU and DPUs -DMEASURE_XFER_BYTES
-DRANK_ORIENTED_XFER Enable optimization for communication (change bytes to transfer for each rank) -DRANK_ORIENTED_XFER
-DEXTRA_MIGRATION Use another algorithm for subtree migration. This is for our experiment and may cause performance degradation. -DEXTRA_MIGRATION

Here are the list of arguments that can be specified in building DPU binary (FLAGS_DPU).

Here are the list of arguments that can be specified in both building host binary (FLAGS_HOST) and DPU binary (FLAGS_DPU).

FLAGS_HOST/FLAGS_DPU Description Example
-DDEBUG_ON Print details for debug -DDEBUG_ON=1
-DPRINT_DEBUG Enable checking of results -DPRINT_DEBUG=1
-DPRINT_DISTRIBUTION Print distribution of # of queries and nodes -DPRINT_DISTRIBUTION

The build produces the following 3 versions of files in the build directory.

build/host/host_app_UPMEM: host application for UPMEM machine.

build/host/host_app_host_only: host application for our emulator.

build/host/host_app_simulator: host application for the simulator in UPMEM SDK.

build/dpu/dpu_program_UPMEM: DPU program for UPMEM machine.

build/dpu/dpu_program_host_only: DPU program for our emulator.

build/dpu/dpu_program_simulator: DPU program for the simulator in UPMEM SDK.

If you want to change either of

  • The number of DPUS
  • The number of Tasklets
  • The number of queries in a batch

, change values in CMakeLists.txt at the root directory of this project.


Before executing B+-Forest, generate workloads by executing like

build/workload_gen/workload_gen -a 0.99 -n 1000000000 -e 2500

Here are the list of execution parameters for build/workload_gen/workload_gen.

Parameters Abbreviation Description Default
--zipfianconst -a zipfian constant (degree of workload skewness) -a 0.99
--keynum -n num of keys to generate -n 100000000
--elementnum -e -e 2500

If Workload files are generated as workload/zipf_const_(zipfian constant).bin, you can run the host binary like


Here are the list of execution parameters for build/workload_gen/workload_gen.

Parameters Abbreviation Description Default
--keynum -n maximum num of keys for the experiment -n 200000
--zipfianconst -a zipfian consttant -a 0.99
--migration_num -m migration_num per batch -m 5
--directory -d execution directory -d .
--simulator -s if declared, the binary for simulator is used
--ops -o kind of operation (get/insert/succ) -o get
--print-load -q print number of queries sent for each seat
--print-subtree-size -e print number of elements for each seat
--variant -b build variant
--help -? print this table