- if you don't have ROS installed open a terminal and insert:
- sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-roslisp-repl
if you dont have Gazebo installed open a terminal and insert:
- curl -sSL http://get.gazebosim.org | sh
Download cob gazebo objects
- sudo apt install ros-noetic-cob-gazebo-objects
Create a workspace and src directory
- mkdir -p workspace_name/src
- cd workspace_name/src
Be sure to have the hsr descirption of code iai sourced or clone the repository into this workspace
clone the main branch of this git repository
clone cram repository and checkout devel branch
- git clone https://github.com/cram2/cram.git
- cd cram && git checkout devel
go into workspace directory, update dependencies
- cd ..
- rosdep update
- rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src/ -r
Then build and source the workspace
- catkin build
- source devel/setup.bash
With sourced workspace: 'roslaunch isr_testbed isr_testbed.launch'
On Gazebo: Press play
upload other hsrb_description
- roslaunch isr_testbed upload_hsrb.launch
roslisp_repl in new terminal
Load and get in package, start ros
- load package (ros-load:load-system "isr_testbed_cram" :isr-testbed-cram)
- (in-package :isr-testbed)
- (start-ros)
Finally you can start the demo
- (with-hsr-process-modules (isr-demo))