A package for analysis of Call of Duty Warzone matches.
The primary goal of this package is to explore a player (or squads) performance. The secondary goal is help the user understand the conditions that affect how they preform.
The package can be accessed via pip install.
pip install warzone-analysis
It is recommended that you have a pre-existing dataset to examine. If you are starting from scratch I would recommend getting your most recent matches from the following endpoint.
Platform is one of the following:
- battlenet
- atvi
- psn
- xbl
Username can be found by accessing your profile on Codtracker. Need the number as well. Replace the # with %23.
Request the Json. You really only need the Match Ids. Once you have a list of Match Ids you can connect to the Call of Duty API.
For more info see: Scraping and Api Connection
import warzone
from call_of_duty import CallofDuty
user_input_dict = {'repo': 'location of saved data',
'gamertag': 'your Ganertag',
'squad': ['squadmate1', 'squadmate2', 'etc'],
'file_name': 'Match_Data.csv'}
cod = CallofDuty(user_input_dict=user_input_dict, squad_data=True, hacker_data=False, streamer_mode=False)
Best time to Play Example of the get_daily_hourly_weekday_stats() function.
What's the Meta? Goes through how to use the get_weapons and meta_weapons functions.
Plot Examples Examples for using the built-in Line, Scatter, Histogram and Table Classes.
Squad Class Example Exploring the Squad Class built inside CallofDuty Class.
Scraping and Api Connection Outlines process for grabbing your past matches and connecting to the Call of Duty public endpoints.
More Hackers Now? Exploring tracking hackers in your lobby and how these numbers have changed over time.
Engagement Based Matchmaking in Warzone Exploring the evidence for Engagement Based Matchmaking
Detect Hackers in your Warzone Lobby Do lobbies die out quicker when hackers are present?
- 2.4.1 - As-built Release
- This is a functional release.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.