API changed back to work like v1/v2, no longer having the user pass in Progress to a builder.
Progress is still a peer dependency like with v3, so that users can pick the exact version of progress they wish to use.
Changed to work by passing through Progress like so:
var Progress = require('progress');
var MultiProgrss = require('multi-progress')(Progress);
// spawn an instance with the optional stream to write to
var multi = new Multiprogress(process.stderr);
// create a progress bar
var bar = multi.newBar(' downloading [:bar] :percent :etas', {
complete: '=',
incomplete: ' ',
width: 30,
total: size
// `bar` is an instance of ProgressBar
// Use the progressbar API with it
is now a peer dependency.
Do nothing if input stream is not a TTY console.
Initial release