⚠️ This is highly experimental project witten for a hackathon. Please be careful.⚠️
Experimenting with following ARSO services and Open-data Sources,... and attempting to predict weather trends in real-time.
- Hidrološki podatki - Dnevni v XML
- Hidrološki podatki - Zadnji v XML
- Arhiv hidroloških podatkov - dnevni podatki - (HTML/TXT)
The app will start to collect data from XML sources, and it will continue to do so for every 5 seconds. The data is then shipped to Azure Event Hub for further processing.
# This is missing from repository. It contains key for Azure Event Hub.
kubectl apply -f k8s/set-keys.yaml
# Chart installation,...
helm install one chart/voda --atomic --values chart/voda/values.yaml
Wait a sec and collection of data will commence,...
Similarly, to collector above; this collector will go over "all" the archives and process everything. The data is also then emitted to Azure Event Hub.
kubectl apply -f k8s/start-archive-collection.yaml
New deployment,...
sbt docker:publish
helm upgrade one chart/voda -f chart/voda/values.yaml --set image.tag=0.1.1
DATEPART (year, stream.datum) as c_year,
DATEPART (dayofyear, stream.datum) as c_dayofyear,
DATEPART (quarter, stream.datum) as c_quarter,
CreatePoint(stream.geSirina, stream.geDolzina) as location
[eh-archive] AS stream
$ docker pull ghcr.io/pinkstack/voda:latest
$ docker run --rm ghcr.io/pinkstack/voda
$ sbt compile assembly
$ java -jar target/*/voda.jar