Copyright (c) 2017 Piethein Strengholt,
Red Pepper Reporting Framework is an easy to use management solution to easily maintain and document regulatory, management and disclosure reports.
Red Pepper Reporting Framework features a lightweight fluid responsive design. It is written in PHP/Laravel + jQuery / HTML / CSS (Bootstrap).
The redpepper reporting solution has been created as an effort to stay in control and to manage regulatory content, interpretations and policies. It can be used as one central database for all legal references, EBA standards/guidance, bank specific interpretations, instructions, technical documentation and policies. By managing all content from one central place it gives transparency across all departments and entities. The current version has the following features:
- Central place for all legal content, references, EBA standards/guidance and bank specific interpretations and instructions.
- Wizards to easily create new reports and documents.
- Searchable - quickly search on legal content, interpretations, row names, column names, field descriptions.
- It uses the tinymce framework to enrich documents and policies with images and html.
- Features an export function to create manuals or quickly to provide guidance to the business or to hand over to the regulator.
- Features 4 eyes principle control for changes to be applied on template, row, column or cell level.
- PHP >= 5.5.9
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- Composer
- Git
- install composer:
curl -sS | php — –filename=composer
- ssh to the machine, go the www directory
- clone the repository:
git clone .
- run
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
, use your github key when asked. - copy the
and configure with the correct database settings. If localhost doesn't work, try instead. - run
php artisan key:generate
to generate an unique key. Add this key to the .env configuration file - deploy the database, use the following command:
php artisan migrate
- run
php artisan optimize
- run
php artisan route:optimize
- run
php artisan cache:clear
- run
chmod -R 777 storage/
- run
composer dump-autoload
- in case the apache user needs rights, use
chown apache:apache * -R
- run
php artisan down
- run
git pull
- to save your credentials permanently using the following:git config credential.helper store
- run
composer install
- run
php artisan migrate
- run
php artisan config:clear
- run
php artisan cache:clear
- run
php artisan route:cache
- issue: - run
chown www-data:www-data * -R
- run
chown www-data:www-data .env -R
- run
chown www-data:www-data public/.htaccess -R
- run
chmod -R 777 storage/
- run
php artisan up
- Cleanup ChangeRequestController, clone object instead of line by line copy
- Cleanup views, move all css to app.css, add media responsive
- Add more efficient way to lookup reference value
- Change and compare of template changes
- Remove fields such as template process_and_organisation_description, etc.
- jQuery 3.0?
- rename fields to be consistent; shortdesc, visible
- Helper bim - create hyperlink with id by looking up, instead of name