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SSDP client for Swift using the Swift Package Manager. Works on iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS and Linux.


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SSDPClient is available through Swift Package Manager. To install it, add the following line to your Package.swift dependencies:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")


SSDPClient can be used to discover SSDP devices and services :

import SSDPClient

class ServiceDiscovery {
    let client = SSDPDiscovery()

    init() {
        self.client.delegate = self

To handle the discovery implement the SSDPDiscoveryDelegate protocol :

extension ServiceDiscovery: SSDPDiscoveryDelegate {
    func ssdpDiscovery(_: SSDPDiscovery, didDiscoverService: SSDPService) {
        // ...


SSDPDiscovery provides two instance methods to discover services :

  • discoverService(forDuration duration: TimeInterval = 10, searchTarget: String = "ssdp:all") - Discover SSDP services for a duration.

  • stop() - Stop the discovery before the end.


The SSDPDiscoveryDelegate protocol defines delegate methods that you should implement when using SSDPDiscovery discover tasks :

  • func ssdpDiscovery(_ discovery: SSDPDiscovery, didDiscoverService service: SSDPService) - Tells the delegate a requested service has been discovered.

  • func ssdpDiscovery(_ discovery: SSDPDiscovery, didFinishWithError error: Error) - Tells the delegate that the discovery ended due to an error.

  • func ssdpDiscoveryDidStart(_ discovery: SSDPDiscovery) - Tells the delegate that the discovery has started.

  • func ssdpDiscoveryDidFinish(_ discovery: SSDPDiscovery) - Tells the delegate that the discovery has finished.


SSDPService is the discovered service. It contains the following attributes :

  • host: String - The host of service
  • location: String? - The value of LOCATION header
  • server: String? - The value of SERVER header
  • searchTarget: String? - The value of ST header
  • uniqueServiceName: String? - The value of USN header
  • responseHeaders: [String: String]? - Key-Value pairs of all original response headers


Run test:

swift test


The application crash with error code -9982 Bad file descriptor

You probably run a security issue. You should grant the local network authorization access.

You can handle this error using the following code:

let authorization = LocalNetworkAuthorization()
authorization.requestAuthorization { granted in
    if granted {
        print("Permission Granted")
        let discovery = ServiceDiscovery(delegate: self)
    } else {
        print("Permission denied")