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Metadata settings

Piero Grandesso edited this page Nov 2, 2023 · 1 revision


Metadata and settings for each article are expressed in YAML. They are set at article level inside the markdown article, but also at issue level and journal level, for things such as the font settings or name and ISSN of the Journal.
Settings at journal or issue level may be overwritten at article level if needed, so this division is just reflecting the default settings.

The list of possible metadata and settings that can be used includes all the default pandoc metadata (see its Manual), along with several custom settings specific for this workflow.

A setting such as dates.published is rendered as:

  published: 2023-11-02

Table of contents

Article level

title [mandatory]
the title of the Article (enter in TitleCase, if appropriate)

shorttitle [optional]
a shorter version of the title, for the internal pages of PDF headings

blocktitle [optional, PDF only]
you can use this parameter to insert linebreaks in the title of the Article (insert it as an indented block); aside for linebreaks, it must coincide with the title

subtitle [optional]
a inline subtitle may be expressed, but no linebreaks are possible


dates [optional, recommended]
the set of article processing dates, expressed in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DD; in the PDF they will be converted in natural language, with language based on lang.

dates.submitted [optional, recommended]
when the submission was received

dates.revised [optional, recommended, MUL]
when the authors provided revised versions of the manuscript

dates.accepted [optional, recommended]
when the manuscript was accepted for publication

dates.published [optional, recommended]
the publication date of the article

date [optional, will overwrite dates]
as a simplified alternative to dates, the publication date of the article, expressed in natural language; in this case please add also date-meta; always prefer the extended dates set

date-meta [optional]
the publication date of the article, expressed in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DD

Authors and affiliations

author [MUL]
the set of details for each author; in special cases it could be omitted, though this is not recommended [mandatory]
the complete name of the author (name + family-name), as it will appear in HTML + PDF

author.given-name, author.surname [optional, recommended]
respectively the name (including any second name) and family name for the author

author.affiliation [optional, recommended, MUL]
institutional affiliation of the author (including country). This parameter will be used for the author box and, for HTML and XML, and can be used along with institute parameter, see below

author.institute_id [optional, recommended]
can be used along with institute to group authors' affiliations, it will be used as the mark for the affiliation (see below for details), author.corresp [ is mandatory if author.corresp is true]
the first parameter is for the contact email of the author; the second parameter stands for "corresponding": it may be true or false, if true it will show the contact information of the author in PDF and HTML (otherwise the email will only be stored in the markdown version and in JATS XML)

author.orcid [optional, recommended]
the orcid of the author (trust only when provided by the author itself!), expressed as a full URI, starting with

author.url [optional]
an external URL with information relevant for the author (eg: the personal blog, the profile in the institutional website); insert only full URL, starting with http:// [optional, recommended]
a short bio of the author; formatting can be expressed in markdown; it may be inserted as a multi-line block; in future iteration multiple values may be handled

institute [optional, recommended]
this parameter is to be used when there are multiple authors or multiple affiliations to show in the title page, it does not exempt from compiling author.affiliation

  • Case 1, a single author with a single affiliation: do not use institute nor author.institute_id; author.affiliation will be used instead
  • Case 2, multiple authors with the same affiliation: do not use author.institute_id, simply use with the correct affiliation
  • Case 3, multiple authors, different affiliations: use a list of institute.index (with a letter: a, b, c etc) paired with the affiliation ( Match the correct affiliation to each author inserting the same letter in author.institute_id (an author with multiple affiliations can have institute_id: "a, c")

Other metadata

abstract [optional, recommended]
the abstract of the article; formatting can be expressed in markdown; it may be inserted as a multi-line block; in future iteration multiple values will be handled

acknowledgements [optional]
(note the "e" after the "g") the acknowledgements section of the article; if used, they will appear in the front matter of the article; formatting can be expressed in markdown; it may be inserted as a multi-line block

keywords [optional, recommended]
a list of keywords of the article; they will appear in PDF only if the abstract is present, below it; in HTML they will be exposed as schema:about

this set comprehend several article-specific parameters, such as identifiers, section and article type

article.doi [optional, recommended]
if available, insert here the Digital Object Identifier of the article without the prefix [optional]
an internal identifier can be used both for peer-review accountability and in case the issue has not a continuous pagination; in HTML and PDF it will be shown in the front matter of the article (and in the subsequent pages of the PDF if issuepagination is false); in JATS XML it is treated as <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id"> (and as a prefix for the pages if issuepagination is false)

article.section [mandatory]
the section of publication in the issue (eg: Essays, Reviews, Focus on this topic), or at least the type of contribution (Article, Editorial etc); currently used only in HTML + PDF

article.type [optional, recommended]
the type of object for JATS XML (<article article-type="">, see uses); if empty will be treated as article-type="other"

article.peer-review [optional, recommended]
if the article has been peer-reviewed: can be true or false; currently used only in HTML + PDF

editor [optional]
this set is to make explicit the editors in charge of a specific submission or section

the text (eg: "Edited by John Doe") that will appear in PDF and HTML; can contain simple formatting [MUL]
name (or a list of names) of the editor(s)

copyright [optional, recommended]
this set is to take care of copyright; this set belong to article.yaml in order to be included in the markdown version, even if the holder does not change between articles

name or denomination of the holder of copyright, it will appear, along with the year, before the copyright statement


can be 'open-access', 'free-to-read' or 'pay-to-read' (better ideas?)

the copyright statement (from "This work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY License" to "All rights reserved")
optionally an URL to the public license (or a public page with a full copyright statement)

lang [mandatory]
the main language of the article, expressed in ISO 639-1, possibly with the country specification (eg: en-US will differ from en-GB) [MUL, PDF]
this property is for LaTeX, use it to indicate (as a list) any additional language within the text (annotated with [bonjour]{lang=fr})

Style settings

enable or disable the "draft mode" (for PDF and HTML): a watermark with date, pagination and dates.published in red, row counter active. Keep to true until the final proofreading is complete!


fill if you need a prefix for the page sequence (eg: reviews could use a "p. R 12", so place R here)

page.roman or page.romanup
if you need the page numbers in Roman numbers (lowercase), eg: for Editorial; change to "romanup" for UPPERCASE roman numbers

page.start and page.end
the starting page, use md-serial-editor -s for writing this field for all the articles

page.startpdf [PDF]
this is used when the pagination is in roman: LaTeX wants an integer!

notitlepage [PDF]
set to true to avoid the page break after title / abstract / author info

affiliationonly [PDF]
set to true to avoid author blocks, affiliation will appear in footnote

closingauthorbox [PDF]
set to false ONLY if you do not want the author box at the end of the paper (eg: a short editorial)

authorspagebreak [PDF]
set to true if author boxes do not fit in the last page of the references (they will be displayed in a separate page)

extrarowheader [PDF]
use this setting to add a third row to the right header in the title page. This is useful if the article.section takes two rows or if editor is displayed on the left header.

toc [HTML]
Table of Contents: set to "false" if there should be no Table of Contents in HTML (eg: few and short sections)


(sh)it happens...! and this solution provides two ways of notifying it; the first one is to notify a post-publication correction in the original article, the second one is to publish a full correction notice (an erratum, corrigendum, or maybe a retraction notice), probably in the next available issue. The set of properties is shared, and the two solutions are meant to be both used in case of a correction.

Note in the original article

correction.text [mandatory in this context]
the short note to warn readers that a correction was issued; this text should include a link to the full notice and the date of the correction [technically optional, but really recommended]
the date of the correction, expressed in ISO 8601: YYYY-MM-DD

correction.reference [optional]
this field should contain the URI (preferably the DOI) to the full correction notice

can be true or false, if true will treat the paper as retracted (still work in progress)

Publish a correction notice of an article

This notice will be treated as a publication item, and the text of the notice will be in the body of the document. Please remember to adjust article.type accordingly.

correction.notice [mandatory in this context]
can be true or false, if true it will treat this as a full notice, instead of a simple note in the original paper

correction.reference [mandatory in this context]
this field should contain the URI (preferably the DOI) to the corrected/retracted article

can be tru or false, if true will treat the paper as retracted (still work in progress)

Issue level

Journal level