This is a small project I've used to learn Go, it probably still needs a bit of cleaning up and refactoring but I'm happy with the final result. Maundy exists so I can keep my supreme Apple Music playlists synced to Spotify for the peasants to enjoy (thus the name).
Just for fun, I was very keen to learn Go and this seemed like a good way to get acquanted with it.
The project included the usage of external dependencies, HTTP calls, JSON serialization, some really basic logic for copying playlists over - it was nothing insanely complicated however the project overall was a good way to dip my toe into a new language.
- Utilizes rod to pull Apple Music playlist data without requiring an Apple Developer Subscription
- Docker image includes Chrome baked in for optimal execution on cloud platforms
- Could probably sync more than 10 songs across (I'm too scared to try)
Source Playlist:
Target Playlist: