- double revive api-function by a returned function (like for registration), so we can pass it outside a controller and be sure the right overlay is removed.
- configurable hotkey '?' for help.
- automatic cleanup on html elements
new in 3.0.0
- mute and free: temporarily suppress one or more hotkeys or barcodes
changed in 3.0.0
- removed version 1 to version 2 deprications
fixed in 3.0.1
- fixed opening the overview with muted items
fixed in 2.0.1
- the registry now removes keys and values, not only the values
new in 2.0.0
- functions with multiple hotkeys could have had multiple callbacks for one hotkey.
that is unwanted - it should work as follows:
- multiple registration,
- find the multiple hotkeys in overview and show them as an array.
- rename comment to description, now being required
- be hotkey/barcode agnostic for registration.
- context can be omitted when registering.
- no regex omission.
- configuration of some settings for the event listener