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☄️ dyco-coroutine 是一个纯C的动态协程框架。作者希望这个框架是真正实用好用,而不仅仅是一个Demo。这个项目最早受到wangbojing/NtyCo启发。也参考了一些别的项目,比如cloudwu/coroutine, jamwt/libtaskstevedekorte/coroutine



  1. 全自动的协程调度。
  2. 支持为协程设定独立的运行栈,或者设定采用共享栈。
  3. 支持协程池以达到更高的效率。
  4. 支持Socket/epoll钩子,可以改变一些上层网络API的行为。
  5. 支持等待信号事件。尤其是等待子进程,适合跟fork()+exec()配合使用。
  6. 支持在协程内部使用epoll,而不阻塞整个调度器循环。
  7. 提供了半双工信道和发布订阅信道,支持协程通信。
  8. 提供了信号量和等待组功能,支持实现协程同步。
  9. 支持非阻塞的TLS/SSL并发服务。
  10. 调度器及其管理的协程可以被暂停,然后在适当的时机恢复。
  11. 支持多线程。
  12. 支持非对称协程。
  13. 支持对紧急协程的优先调度。



  1. 优秀的性能。
  2. 优雅的编程方式。
  3. 没有依赖,易于构建/安装/链接。
  4. 文档完善,开发者积极维护。


  1. 更好的跨平台支持。目前的跨平台设计参考自jamwt/libtask。但是只支持Linux系统 (i386 AMD64 ARM ARM64...)。未来的工作可以参考heiher/hev-task-systemtboox/tbox
  2. 发掘更多的特性需求,并不断完善。寻找Bug并修复。
  3. 性能优化。使用ucontext作为底层切换策略,意味着这个框架在协程切换性能上很难做到顶尖的表现(相比于直接用汇编)。但是依然可能存在其他的优化空间。
  4. 更丰富的构建方式。减少构建的复杂性,而不是增加。
  5. 有缓冲区的信道。
  6. 线程专有指针的封装接口。



# 可选
$ sudo apt install libssl-dev
$ sudo apt install libhiredis-dev

# make编译
$ cd dyco-coroutine
$ make

# 运行
$ ./bin/xxx_example

# 可选: 编译之后安装共享库
$ sudo make install
# 编译应用的时候直接链接
$ gcc -o someoutput somecode.c -ldyco
# 卸载共享库
$ sudo make uninstall

# 1. 准备工作
# 可选
$ sudo apt install libssl-dev
$ sudo apt install libhiredis-dev
# 可选,仅用于Meson + ninja构建
$ sudo apt install meson
$ sudo apt install ninja-build
$ sudo apt install pkg-config

# 2. 使用GNU make构建
# 运行make
$ cd dyco-coroutine
$ make

# 运行示例
$ ./bin/xxx_example

# 可选: 编译之后安装共享库
$ sudo make install

# 编译应用的时候直接链接
$ gcc -o someoutput somecode.c -ldyco

# 卸载共享库
$ sudo make uninstall

# 3. 使用Meson + ninja构建
# 运行meson构建工具
$ meson build_dir
$ cd build_dir
$ meson compile

# 运行示例
$ build_dir/example/xxx_example

# 可选: 编译之后安装共享库
$ cd build_dir
$ sudo ninja install

# 编译应用的时候直接链接
$ gcc -o someoutput somecode.c -ldyco

# 卸载共享库
$ cd build_dir
$ sudo ninja uninstall


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <arpa/inet>

// include this file to enjoy dyco
#include "dyco/dyco_coroutine.h"

// Pass the arguments by pointer.
struct foobarargs {
	int	arg1;
	char	*arg2;

void foobar(void *arg)
	// Get the arguments by pointer.
	struct foobarargs *args = arg;

	int cid, fd, client, ret, status;

	// coroID can be obtained
	cid = dyco_coroutine_coroID();

	// Get Udata if necessary
	dyco_semaphore *sem;
	dyco_coroutine_getUdata(cid, &sem);

	// Create other coroutines if necessary
	dyco_coroutine_create(foobar, NULL);

	// Use dyco_coroutine_sleep() instead of sleep()

	// Use dyco_xx socket API if COROUTINE_HOOK is undefined
	fd = dyco_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	client = dyco_accept(fd, xxx, yyy);
	ret = dyco_recv(client, xxx, yyy, 0);
	ret = dyco_recv(client, xxx, yyy, 0);

	// Use normal socket API if COROUTINE_HOOK is defined
	fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
	client = accept(fd, xxx, yyy);
	ret = recv(client, xxx, yyy, 0);
	ret = recv(client, xxx, yyy, 0);

	ret = fork();
	if (ret == 0) {
	else if (ret < 0) {

	// Wait child for 3000 ms. Set timeout to -1 to wait until child process is finished
	ret = dyco_signal_waitchild(ret, &status, 3000);
	// Use dyco_epoll api if COROUTINE_HOOK is not defined

	// Use normal epoll api if COROUTINE_HOOK is defined

int main()
	// Optional: Pass the arguments by pointer.
	struct foobarargs *args = calloc(1, sizeof(struct foobarargs));

	// Create the corotine
	int cid = dyco_coroutine_create(foobar, args);
	// Optional: Set stack if necessary
	dyco_coroutine_setStack(cid, NULL, 4096);

	// Optional: Create semaphore, channel, waitgroup or pubsubchannel
	dyco_semaphore *sem = dyco_semaphore_create(3);

	// Optional: Set Udata if necessary
	dyco_coroutine_setUdata(cid, sem);

	// Run 

	return 0;


Coroutine & Coroutines Pool


setStack可选的。如果在协程运行之前没有设置栈,那么默认协程是在调度器提供的共享栈上运行。否则,则协程将运行在独立的预设栈上。共享栈节约内存空间,但是每次切换都会拷贝出去,造成性能开销。因此如果一个协程需要频繁地切出切入,最好为其设置独立栈。详见 example/*

这里也提供了协程池,来防止频繁地创建释放协程和栈的内存空间。任何时候都可以创建协程池,创建完成后可以修改协程池的大小。协程池中的协程在用户函数执行完成后会自动归还到协程池。通过调用obtain,你可以从协程池中获得一个空闲协程。详见 example/coropool_example.c


// return the coroutine ID on success, < 0 on error
int dyco_coroutine_create(proc_coroutine func, void *arg);
// this new coroutine will be resume as soon as possible
int dyco_coroutine_create_urgent(proc_coroutine func, void *arg);

void dyco_coroutine_sleep(uint32_t msecs);

// this coroutine will abort itself but no affect other coroutines.
void dyco_coroutine_abort();

// set timeout to -1 for persistent waiting. set timeout to 0 for no waiting
// return > 0 on success, 0 on timeout, < 0 on error
int dyco_coroutine_waitRead(int fd, int timeout);
int dyco_coroutine_waitWrite(int fd, int timeout);
int dyco_coroutine_waitRW(int fd, int timeout);

// return ID of current coroutine
int dyco_coroutine_coroID();

// stacksize: 0 to cancel independent stack
// return 1 on successfully set, 0 on successfully cancel, < 0 on error
int dyco_coroutine_setStack(int cid, void *stackptr, size_t stacksize);

int dyco_coroutine_getStack(int cid, void **stackptr, size_t *stacksize);

// return 1 on stack size > 7/8 of total, 0 on safe, abort coroutine on stack overflow.
int dyco_coroutine_checkStack();

// return 0 on success
int dyco_coroutine_setUdata(int cid, void *udata);
int dyco_coroutine_getUdata(int cid, void **udata);

// return total yield times of a coroutine 
int dyco_coroutine_getSchedCount(int cid);

// return 0 on success. 
int dyco_coroutine_setUrgent(int cid);
// return 0 on success
int dyco_coroutine_unsetUrgent(int cid);

// return NULL on error
dyco_coropool* dyco_coropool_create(int totalsize, size_t stacksize);
dyco_coropool* dyco_coropool_resize(dyco_coropool* cp, int newsize);

// return 0 on success
int dyco_coropool_destroy(dyco_coropool** cp);

// return number of available coroutine in this pool
int dyco_coropool_available(dyco_coropool* cp);

// obtain a coroutine from the pool. 
// If there is no free coroutine, wait timeout
// return 0 on timeout, -1 on error, > 0 on success
int dyco_coropool_obtain(dyco_coropool* cp, proc_coroutine func, void *arg, int timeout);
int dyco_coropool_obtain_urgent(dyco_coropool* cp, proc_coroutine func, void *arg, int timeout);



// return 0 when done, 1 when stopped, < 0 on error
int dyco_schedule_run();

// stack_size: shared stack memory size
// loopwait_timeout: max delay (ms) of starting new coroutine
// return 0 on success
int dyco_schedule_create(size_t stack_size, uint64_t loopwait_timeout);

void dyco_schedule_free(dyco_schedule *sched);

// return ID of current scheduler
int dyco_schedule_schedID();

int dyco_schedule_setUdata(void *udata);

int dyco_schedule_getUdata(void **udata);

// return total number to coroutines of current scheduler
int dyco_schedule_getCoroCount();

Scheduler Call


// see sigprocmask
int dyco_schedcall_sigprocmask(int __how, sigset_t *__set, sigset_t *__oset);
// stop current scheduler and make it return as soon as possible
void dyco_schedcall_stop();
// shutdown the scheduler and kill its all coroutines
void dyco_schedcall_abort();



// return 0 on success
int dyco_epoll_init();
void dyco_epoll_destroy();
int dyco_epoll_add(int fd, struct epoll_event *ev);
int dyco_epoll_del(int fd, struct epoll_event *ev);

// return number of ready events, < 0 on error
int dyco_epoll_wait(struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, int timeout);

// see epoll_wait
int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, int timeout);

// see poll
int poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout);


通过调用dyco_signal系列接口,等待某些信号的出现将不会导致调度循环被阻塞。waitchild + fork + exec在某些情况下尤其有用。等待其他信号也是支持的。



// return pid of the child on success, < 0 on error
int dyco_signal_waitchild(const pid_t child, int *status, int timeout);
// return 0 on success
int dyco_signal_init(sigset_t *mask);

void dyco_signal_destroy();

// return sizeof struct signalfd_siginfo on success, < 0 on error
int dyco_signal_wait(struct signalfd_siginfo *sinfo, int timeout);

Half Duplex Channel


// size: max length of the message
dyco_channel* dyco_channel_create(size_t size);

void dyco_channel_destroy(dyco_channel **chan);

// return the actual sent length, 0 on channel closed, < 0 on error
ssize_t dyco_channel_send(dyco_channel *chan, void *buf, size_t size, int timeout);

// return the actual received length, 0 on channel closed, < 0 on error
ssize_t dyco_channel_recv(dyco_channel *chan, void *buf, size_t maxsize, int timeout);

Publish-subscribe Channel


// size: max length of the message
dyco_pubsubchannel* dyco_pubsub_create(size_t size);

void dyco_pubsub_destroy(dyco_pubsubchannel **pschan);

// return the actual published length, 0 on no subscriber, < 0 on error
ssize_t dyco_pubsub_publish(dyco_pubsubchannel *pschan, void *buf, size_t size);

// return the actual received length, < 0 on error
ssize_t dyco_pubsub_subscribe(dyco_pubsubchannel *pschan, void *buf, size_t maxsize, int timeout);



// suggest_size: estimated max number of coroutines on the waitgroup
dyco_waitgroup* dyco_waitgroup_create(int suggest_size);

void dyco_waitgroup_destroy(dyco_waitgroup **group);

// add coroutine to the waitgroup
int dyco_waitgroup_add(dyco_waitgroup* group, int cid);

// tell the waitgroup this coroutine is done
int dyco_waitgroup_done(dyco_waitgroup* group);

// target: target wait number, set it to -1 to wait until all group member done
// timeout: unit is ms, and set to -1 for persistent waiting
// return > 0 on success, < 0 on error
int dyco_waitgroup_wait(dyco_waitgroup* group, int target, int timeout);



// value: initial value of the semaphore
dyco_semaphore* dyco_semaphore_create(size_t value);
void dyco_semaphore_destroy(dyco_semaphore **sem);

// return 0 on success, < 0 on error or timeout
int dyco_semaphore_wait(dyco_semaphore *sem, int timeout);

// return 0 on success, < 0 on error
int dyco_semaphore_signal(dyco_semaphore *sem);



如果COROUTINE_HOOK宏被开启,系统的socket接口就会表现出dyco提供的socket相同的行为。而且,这也会改变一些高级的网络接口的行为,因为它们底层也调用了系统的socket接口。比如redis的同步接口,和gethostbyname等接口,将不会阻塞调度循环. 详见example/socket_client.c example/socket_server.c example/network.c.

int dyco_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
int dyco_close(int fd);
int dyco_accept(int fd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *len);
int dyco_connect(int fd, struct sockaddr *name, socklen_t namelen);
ssize_t dyco_send(int fd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
ssize_t dyco_recv(int fd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags);
ssize_t dyco_sendto(int fd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
		    const struct sockaddr *dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen);
ssize_t dyco_recvfrom(int fd, void *buf, size_t len, int flags,
		      struct sockaddr *src_addr, socklen_t *addrlen);


dyco提供的SSL接口能巨大改善SSL通信的性能。但如果要使用这些接口,libssllibcrypto需要在编译dyco之前预先安装。详见example/ssl_server.c example/ssl_client


// return 1 on success, else on error
int dyco_SSL_accept(SSL *ssl);

// return 1 on success, else on error
int dyco_SSL_connect(SSL *ssl);

// see SSL_read
int dyco_SSL_read(SSL *ssl, void *buf, int num);

// see SSL_write
int dyco_SSL_write(SSL *ssl, const void *buf, int num);

Asymmetric Coroutine & Asymmetric Coroutines Pool






// return 1 if the coroutine is asymmetric, 0 if symmetric
int dyco_coroutine_isasymmetric(int cid);

// return the coroutine ID on success, < 0 on error
int dyco_asymcoro_create(proc_coroutine func, void *arg);

// return cid on coroutine yield, 0 on coroutine finish, < 0 on error
int dyco_asymcororesume(int cid);

// interupt and go back
void dyco_asymcoroyield();

void dyco_asymcoro_free(int cid);

// return ID of current coroutine
int dyco_asymcoro_coroID();

// stacksize: 0 to cancel independent stack
// return 1 on successfully set, 0 on successfully cancel, < 0 on error
int dyco_asymcoro_setStack(int cid, void *stackptr, size_t stacksize);
int dyco_asymcoro_getStack(int cid, void **stackptr, size_t *stacksize);

// return 0 on success
int dyco_asymcoro_setUdata(int cid, void *udata);
int dyco_asymcoro_getUdata(int cid, void **udata);

// return NULL on error
dyco_coropool* dyco_asymcpool_create(int totalsize, size_t stacksize);
dyco_coropool* dyco_asymcpool_resize(dyco_coropool* cp, int newsize);

// return 0 on success
int dyco_asymcpool_destroy(dyco_coropool** cp);

// return number of available coroutine in this pool
int dyco_asymcpool_available(dyco_coropool* cp);

// obtain a coroutine from the pool. 
// If there is no free coroutine, wait timeout
// return 0 on timeout, -1 on error, > 0 on success
int dyco_asymcpool_obtain(dyco_coropool* cp, proc_coroutine func, void *arg, int timeout);

// return a finished coroutine to the pool
void dyco_asymcpool_return(int cid);

Performance Test



结论:dyco的并发吞吐量略低于epoll IO多路复用,明显超过超pthread。并且dyco的并发吞吐量和处理延迟非常接近libco。另外,dyco协程切换速度远高于libco,和NtyCo差别不大。

About Coroutine


  • 汇编指令。它比其他两种方案快,但是对于每个平台都要写一些不同的汇编指令代码。
  • setjmp()/longjmp()。它比ucontext快。但是我个人认为这是最不合适的协程切换实现方案。setjmp()/longjmp()会导致栈丢失,为了避免这种情况,你不得不去设置env_buf的栈指针。这个数据结构在不同平台上截然不同,那为什么不直接用汇编?
  • ucontext。ucontext包含了4个平台无关的接口,因此协程切换代码会相对优雅。不幸的是ucontext已经被移除出POSIX,因为使用带有空括号的函数声明器(而不是原型格式的参数类型声明器)是一个过时的特性。ucontext在Linux目前还是可以使用的,而且不会为dyco带来问题。因此我选择了这个方案。为了支持更多的平台,dyco在用户层构建uncontext,这部分参考了jamwt/libtask的实现。