PHYTEC BSP-Yocto-NXP-I.MX93-PD24.1.1 adapation project for GORGY/BODET
This is a short description of the steps to take to build the BSP
Follow the steps bellow to build the BSP.
Create an empty folder to build the BSP in. host$ mkdir ~/yocto host$ cd ~/yocto
Get our phyLinux script to check out the BSP-Yocto-NXP-i.MX93-PD24.1.1 BSP. host$ wget host$ chmod +x phyLinux host$ ./phyLinux init -p imx93 -r BSP-Yocto-NXP-i.MX93-PD24.1.1
Clone the meta-swid-5 layer into your sources directory. host$ git clone sources/meta-swid-5
Source the environment. host$ source sources/poky/oe-init-build-env
Enable the newly added layer in your bblayers.conf by adding following line to conf/bblayers.conf: BBLAYERS += " ${OEROOT}/../meta-swid-5"
Build one of the available machines and images. host$ bitbake phytec-qt5demo-image
After that the build image can be found under deploy/images// .