Connect your database to sysbench and run a benchmark.
Connect your database to sysbench and run a benchmark.
To start your testing, run the following steps:
- relate sysbench-perf-operator to the target database
- upload a test script (TPCC format)
- Execute it with
juju run <sysbench-app> sysbench-run
Sysbench has a set of tests that are native, but its most interesting feature is its extensibility using LUA scripts.
Upload your favorite scripts as juju resources
to the
application. For each unit, run:
juju attach-resource sysbench-perf-operator/0 script=<path to zip file>
The charm expects a ZIP file containing the script.
The sysbench-perf-operator supports COS integration.
For that, it is enough to relate this charm to grafana-agent
The charm will open a scrape endpoint for Prometheus to collect
Currently supports: MySQL
- Develop a grafana dashboard